
Discord bots

Primary LanguagePython

You will need to replace the following in both codes:

  • <API KEY> with your OpenAI API key
  • <CHANNEL ID> with the ID of the Discord channel you want the bot to post in
  • <WEBHOOK URL> with the URL of the webhook you have set up in the Discord channel
  • <BOT TOKEN> with the token of your Discord bot.

You will also need to import the necessary libraries at the beginning of both codes. For the first code, you will need to import discord, Webhook, AsyncWebhookAdapter, requests, and datetime. For the second code, you will need to import discord, Webhook, AsyncWebhookAdapter, and requests.

Make sure to also set up a webhook in the Discord channel you want the bot to post in, and replace with the URL of that webhook.

Finally, you will need to make sure that the bot is running on a server or device that is always on, so that it can check for the correct day and time to post.

Before running the first code, you will need to install the following libraries:

  • discord: The main Discord API library for Python. You can install it using pip: pip install discord Webhook and AsyncWebhookAdapter: Libraries for interacting with Discord webhooks. You can install them using pip: pip install Webhook AsyncWebhookAdapter
  • requests: A library for making HTTP requests in Python. You can install it using pip: pip install requests
  • datetime: A Python library for working with dates and times. It is a built-in library, so you don't need to install it separately. To install these libraries, open a terminal or command prompt and enter the command pip install . For example, to install the discord library, you would enter pip install discord. Repeat this process for each of the libraries listed above.

Once you have installed all the necessary libraries and have Python installed on your computer, you should be able to run the first code. Simply copy the code into a Python file and run it using the python command in a terminal or command prompt.

For example, if you have saved the code in a file called poembot.py, you can run it by entering python poembot.py in a terminal or command prompt.

Make sure to replace the placeholders <API KEY>, <CHANNEL ID>, <WEBHOOK URL>, and <BOT TOKEN> with the appropriate values before running the code.