
Starter repo for a Sanity + Next.js website hosted on Vercel

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Starter Website: Sanity Studio + Next.js

Both apps are set up to be hosted on Vercel and be managed there. It's intended to be two Vercel apps that then communicate with each other.


  • Clone the repo and move into the root repo folder
  • Set up a new Sanity project (or connect an existing one) via the command line, using the Sanity CLI (which needs to be installed beforehand)
      sanity login
      cd studio/ # Move into the Sanity studio folder
      sanity init
      # It will ask if you want to reconfigure it. Say 'Yes'
      ? The current folder contains a configured Sanity studio. Would you like to reconfigure it? (Y/n)
      # Select 'Create new project'
      # Give it a project name
      # Use the default dataset configuration `production`
      # It will do some things...
      # And then it should be done! It should have updated `studio/sanity.json` with your new project ID
  • Rename studio/.env.development.test to studio/.env.development and update Sanity production URL and preview secret
  • Rename web/.env.local.test to web/.env.local and update the project name, the newly-generated Sanity project ID, and preview secret
  • Install Lerna globally, and then install the project from the root folder, which will also install the nested workspaces /studio and /web:
      npm install --global lerna
      yarn install
    • This app is a monorepo that uses Lerna to install all packages in the main and sub-folders at once.
  • Housekeeping: Update the project names in studio/package.json and web/package.json
  • Now, you should be ready to go, and start the app using the command below!
  • To enable content previews, you'll need to set up a CORS origin host and an API key in the Sanity management admin. See instructions below.


Using Lerna, both apps in the monorepo can be started from the root folder:

yarn run dev

To run each independently, you can run:

# Sanity
cd studio/
sanity start

# Next
cd web/
yarn run dev

Environment variables

You need some environment variables in studio/.env.development and in Vercel for Sanity's build:

SANITY_STUDIO_PREVIEW_SECRET // This can be whatever string you like, it's simply shared with the front-end server

And, a few environment variables are needed in web/.env.local (and also Vercel, or wherever it's hosted) for Next's build:

SANITY_API_TOKEN // You'll need to create this at sanity.io/manage to enable web previews
SANITY_PREVIEW_SECRET // Same secret as above in Sanity's configuration

Enabling previews

You'll need to do two things at https://sanity.io/manage in order to show previews on the Next.js front-end:

  • Generate an API token with 'Read' permissions, and add it to .env.local as the SANITY_API_TOKEN
  • Add a CORS Origin host with 'Allow Credentials' set, for whatever port localhost is running the Next.js server, usually http://localhost:3000

Vercel setup

  • To run each app separately, you will create 2 projects in Vercel; one for studio/ and one for web/
  • This could easily be Netlify or any other hosting service.
  • The Sanity admin has a plugin installed, sanity-plugin-vercel-deploy, and a config file studio/vercel.json, that can be swapped for another host's tools.

Vercel instructions:

  • First, go to https://vercel.com/new
  • Import your repo (you may have to enable Github permissions to access the repo)
  • For studio:
    • Select 'Sanity' as the framework preset
    • Select studio/ as the root folder
    • Check that public is the output directory
    • Add your Sanity environment variables from .env.development
    • Once this is deployed, you'll need to add this Vercel URL to the accepted CORS origins at https://www.sanity.io/manage (with credentials allowed) in order to use the studio on this new URL
    • For any preview and branch URLs, you'll need to do the same
  • For web:
    • Select 'Next.js' as the framework
    • Select web/ as the root folder
    • Add the environment variables from .env.local
  • Finally, in the Sanity admin, you will create a new project in the 'Deploy' tab to allow the admin to deploy the front-end using a build hook
    • Create a new Git build hook in your Vercel project for the web/ directory
    • Create a new token for your Vercel account here (with no expiration)
    • Follow the steps here to set up the new project in the Sanity admin, using the tokens you generated above