
Scripts/assets to install required infrastructure stack in AWS

Primary LanguageHCL


Scripts/assets to install required infrastructure stack in AWS


This repository is about deployment of especific version functions to AWS Lambda functions (The images storaged in AWS S3 bucket)


  • Lambda Functions (see config.tfvars)
  • EC2 instance (Temporary test)


Copy the secret.tf.example file to secret.tf:

  • Configure the Terraform S3 backend by adding the AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY of the tfstate user.


Copy the secret.tf.example file to secret.tf:

  • Configure the Terraform S3 backend by adding the AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY of the tfstate user.
# init providers and backend
terraform init

# check configuration files format
terraform fmt -check -diff -recursive .

# format configuration files
terraform fmt -diff -recursive .

# validate configuration
terraform validate

Create/update stack


  • If you update the ssh_key_ids configuration, the instances will be replaced.
  • If you update a installation script, the corresponding instance will be replaced.
# plan
terraform plan -var-file=config.tfvars -out tfplan

# apply
terraform apply tfplan

Destroy stack

# plan destroy
terraform plan -destroy -var-file=config.tfvars -out tfplan-destroy

# apply destroy
terraform apply tfplan-destroy