
Scripts/assets to provision and instantiate required hardware in Vultr

Primary LanguageShell


Serverless infra with Vultr, OpenFaaS, Ansible, Terraform.


Copy the secret.tf.example file to secret.tf:

  • Configure the Vultr provider by adding the VULTR_API_KEY.
  • Configure the Terraform S3 backend by adding the AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY of the tfstate user.

Edit the config.tfvars file to configure the stack.

# init providers and backend
terraform init

# check configuration files format
terraform fmt -check -diff -recursive .

# format configuration files
terraform fmt -diff -recursive .

# validate configuration
terraform validate

Create/update stack


  • If you update the ssh_key_ids configuration, the instances will be replaced.
  • If you update a installation script, the corresponding instance will be replaced.
# plan
terraform plan -var-file=config.tfvars -out tfplan

# apply
terraform apply tfplan

Prepare your SSH key to connect to the instances

Add your Vultr SSH private key:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

Connect to OpenFaaS instance

# connect to openfaas instance
ssh root@$(terraform output -raw openfaas_instance_ip)

# see the openfaas installation logs
cat ~/install-openfaas.log

Connect to Redis instance

# connect to redis instance
ssh root@$(terraform output -raw redis_instance_ip)

# see the redis installation logs
cat ~/install-redis.log

Destroy stack

# plan destroy
terraform plan -destroy -var-file=config.tfvars -out tfplan-destroy

# apply destroy
terraform apply tfplan-destroy

Faas registry

Prepare your Docker registry (if using AWS ECR) - (deprecated)

faas-cli registry-login --ecr --region <your-aws-region> --account-id <your-account-id>


Configure OpenFaas server before up the stack.yml

add the user to Docker group and create ssh:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

add the public key on github

Clonning repositories:

git clone link-of-function-repo
git clone git@github.com:singnet/das-infra-stack-vultr.git

configure aws, putting the credential to aws (deprecated):

aws configure

Connecting docker on aws ecr registry (deprecated):

aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 038760728819.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/das

generating credentials folder to faas stack (deprecated):

cd DAS-deployment-openFaas
faas-cli registry-login --ecr --region us-east-1 --account-id 038760728819

login to faas gateway:

sudo cat /var/lib/faasd/secrets/basic-auth-password
faas-cli login -u admin -p password

copy the docker config auth to faas config auth:

cp ~/.docker/config.json /var/lib/faasd/.docker/config.json

up functions:

faas-cli up -f das-function.yml