In use here: @42Versificator, @RVersificator
A twitter bot which, every few minutes, checks if a song is being played on the authed Spotify account and, if a random roll is passed, tweets random lyrics from the song.
Lyrics are pulled from Genius.
If a relatively low-chance random roll passes, the bot chooses a random block (e.g. a single verse, the chorus, etc.) of lines from the current song's lyrics, and then chooses a random line from the block. If a 50/50 roll is passed, it adds the following line. It continues adding subsequent lines in this way until a roll fails, it reaches the end of the block, or it runs out of space in the tweet.
Links are pulled from Genius, Spotify, Apple Music, and Lastfm and posted in reply to the lyrics.
The likelihood of a tweet for a given song is exponentially increased if the song was already played recently.
I acknowledge the untidiness of the code. I originally intended for this to be a quick-and-dirty private repo but ultimately decided to go public. I do not intend to maintain this repo.
To host your own, credentials must be obtained for Spotify, Genius, Twitter, and These should be placed in a creds.json file as demonstrated in the example_creds.json, replacing everything between "<>." Python 3.6 (or perhaps greater) is necesary to run this code. Get Python and Pip here. The necessary libraries can be installed with pip using the requirements.txt file.
Clone the repo.
git clone
Install the dependencies
cd Lyrics-Tweeter
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Once you have created the creds.json
file based on the example_creds.json, the bot can be ran once with
sudo python
A taskscheduler can be used to run the script periodically. I use crontab on linux:
sudo crontab -e
Append the task to the end of the crontab
*/5 * * * * (cd /path/to/Lyrics-Tweeter && ./ &
Edit the shebang in to point to your install of python.
The following line should point to your install.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
Make sure is executable.
chmod +x
Boom. You've got yourself a Twitter bot.
If I missed any steps or messed something up, let me know. Contact information available at my profile.