This project demonstrates WebAuthn functionality and uses Singular Key's FIDO Cloud Service API for registering and authenticating FIDO Credentials. The project contains a NodeJS Relying Party (RP) Server API
Implementation and Javascript/Jquery RP Web App
Implementation. This demonstration requires a Singular Key Developer API Key
git clone
Edit webauthndemo/server/config.json
Please contact Support (
) for an API Key or sign up at
Singular Key FIDO2 Settings (
- There are several settings in the FIDO2 Section in your client app in the Singular Key Admin Portal. Log into the Admin portal using the credentials provided to you.
Supported Origin Domain Name
: Update this list to include the origin you're accessing the demo from. For example,http://localhost:3001
. If the origin is not whitelisted here, you'll see a client mismatch error in the RP Server logs.
cd webauthndemo
yarn install or npm install
node app
Browse to http://localhost:3001
on a supported browser.
Note: You'll need to use a supported browser (Chrome,Firefox,Opera etc) on either a supported platform (Android 7+/Windows 10 - windows Hello) or use a security token (FIDO2, U2F etc). Safari Technology Preview supports FIDO2 tokens. Chrome Canary version supports MacOS's built in fingerprint sensor.
RP Web App
--> RP Server
API --> Singular Key's FIDO Cloud Service
To see a working demo of WebAuthn and for Registration/Authentication sequence diagrams, please visit
- Listener for server + static routeserver/index.js
- RP Server API Routes. This file implements the 4 routes that the RP Web App communicates with. The 4 routes act as a proxy for the RP Web App to communicate with Singular Key's FIDO Cloud Service API.webapp/index.html
- Minimalistic RP Web App implementation that demonstrations the WebAuthn functionality. The Web App communicates with the 4 RP Server API's and invokes the browser's WebAuthn API (navigator.credentials.create
The following are the high level steps to register a Fido2 credential. For this example, lets assume you're on an Android 7+ device on a chrome browser.
The Relying Party (RP) Web App will typically initiate the request to the Relying Party (RP) server for registering a new Fido2 credential
The RP server will make an API call to create a user in the Singular key Cloud Platform. This needs to be done only once per user. You can then store the Singular Key
in your database for future use.POST
Next, the RP server will make an API call to initiate the Fido2 registration process
The RP Server will forward the response from the above API call to the RP Web App.
The RP Web App will then invoke the browser's WebAuthn Registration API -
to create a Fido2 credential -
The browser communicates with the FIDO2 Authenticator (Android authenticator in this case)
User walks through the Android’s WebAuthn/Biometrics Wizard which verifies the user, and creates a public/private key pair and an attestation response
The RP Web App then sends the WebAuthn Register API response to the RP Server, which in-turn forwards it to Singular Key's 'WebAuthn Register Complete' API:
Singular Key Cloud Platform validates the attestation response and the newly created credential is successfully registered
//'Register Initiate' Relying Party (RP) Server API call which is proxied to Singular Key FIDO Service
let initiateResponse = await apiCAll('/register/initiate',{name})
//Re-format the above response to decode certain base64UrlEncoded fields
let publicKey = preformatMakeCredReq(initiateResponse.initiateRegistrationResponse);
//WebAuthn API Call to create a credential (Attestation)
let makeCredResponse = await navigator.credentials.create({ publicKey })
//Re-format the above response to base64Url encode certain fields for transmission
let makeCredResponseFormatted = publicKeyCredentialToJSON(makeCredResponse);
//'Register Complete' RP Server API call which is proxied to Singular Key FIDO Service
let completeResponse = await apiCAll('/register/complete',makeCredResponseFormatted)
Relying Party Route to register user and proxy WebAuthn register/initiate request to Singular Key FIDO Service
*/'/register/initiate', async (req, res) => {
let name =;
//Create RP Session for User
req.session.isLoggedIn = false; = name;
//Create RP User
if (!db[name]) {
db[name] = {name}
//Create Shadow User in Singular Key
let options;
if (!db[name].skUserId) {
try {
const response = await singularKeyAPICall('/users',{username:name})
const parsedResponse = JSON.parse(response)
db[name].skUserId = parsedResponse.userId;
catch(err) {
return res.status(400).json(err)
//Singular Key FIDO2 Register Initiate API call
try {
const response = await singularKeyAPICall(`/users/${db[name].skUserId}/credentials/fido2/register/initiate`)
const parsedResponse = JSON.parse(response)
catch(err) {
Relying Party Route proxy WebAuthn register/complete request to Singular Key FIDO Service
*/'/register/complete', async (req, res) => {
console.log("*** Incoming Request ***")
let name =;
if (!db[name]) {
return res.status(400).json({message:"User not found",statusCode:400})
//Singular Key FIDO2 Register Complete API call
try {
const response = await singularKeyAPICall(`/users/${db[name].skUserId}/credentials/fido2/register/complete`,req.body)
const parsedResponse = JSON.parse(response)
catch(err) {
As part of the login process, the RP server will make a Singular Key API call to initiate Fido2 authentication
Note: use the Singular Key
stored in your database record for that user. -
The RP Server will forward the response from the above API call to the RP Web App.
The RP Web App will then invoke the browser's WebAuthn Authentication API
The browser communicates with the FIDO2 Authenticator (Android authenticator in this case)
User walks through the Android’s WebAuthn/Biometrics Wizard which verifies the user, and creates and signs an assertion response with the user's private key
The RP Web App then sends the WebAuthn Register API response to the RP Server, which in-turn forwards it to Singular Key's 'WebAuthn Authentication Complete' API:
Singular Key Cloud Platform verifies the signature of the assertion response, thus authenticating the user
If verification is successful, the RP server will create a user session logging the user into the app
//'Authentication Initiate' RP Server API call which is proxied to Singular Key FIDO Service
let initiateResponse = await apiCAll('/auth/initiate',{name})
//Re-format the above response to decode certain base64UrlEncoded fields
let publicKey = preformatGetAssertReq(initiateResponse);
//WebAuthn API Call to create an assertion
let getCredResponse = await navigator.credentials.get({ publicKey })
//Re-format the above response to base64Url encode certain fields for transmission
let getCredResponseFormatted = publicKeyCredentialToJSON(getCredResponse);
//'Authentication Complete' RP Server API call which is proxied to Singular Key FIDO Service
let completeResponse = await apiCAll('/auth/complete',getCredResponseFormatted)
//Now that login is successful, load the dashboard
Relying Party Route proxy WebAuthn auth/initiate request to Singular Key FIDO Service
*/'/auth/initiate', async (req, res) => {
let name =;
if (!db[name]) {
return res.status(400).json({message:"User not found. Please register a user first.",statusCode:400})
//Create RP Session for User
req.session.isLoggedIn = false; = name;
//Singular Key FIDO2 Authentication Initiate API call
try {
const response = await singularKeyAPICall(`/users/${db[name].skUserId}/credentials/fido2/auth/initiate`)
const parsedResponse = JSON.parse(response)
catch(err) {
Relying Party Route proxy WebAuthn auth/complete request to Singular Key FIDO Service
*/'/auth/complete', async (req, res) => {
let name =;
if (!db[name]) {
return res.status(400).json({message:"User not found. Please register a user first.",statusCode:400})
//Singular Key FIDO2 Authentication Complete API call
try {
const response = await singularKeyAPICall(`/users/${db[name].skUserId}/credentials/fido2/auth/complete`,req.body)
const parsedResponse = JSON.parse(response)
if (parsedResponse.success) {
req.session.isLoggedIn = true
catch(err) {
Have questions? Please contact Support (
) or sign up at