This is just an over layer of React's Context Hook, with this package you will be provided with a function to update context value from lower components. Hence, you don't need to pass setState
Hook's function within the components or manually code it to create a equivalent.
import React, {createContext, useContext} from 'react';
import ContextProvider from 'sinha-context-provider';
const Auth = createContext(); // Initialize the Context API
function App(){
<ContextProvider context={Auth} value={0}>
Instead of using Auth.Provider, use ContextProvider function and pass your context
into context prop.
You have to pass default value to it
<MyCoolComp />
function MyCoolComp(){
const data = useContext(Auth);
Instead of providing value directly, you have to access it using
current key as done above.
<button onClick={()=>data.setCurrent(value=>++value)}>Click Me</button>
You can update value using function in setCurrent key like done above,
this can be used just like setState functions, ie,
both are legal parameters
export default App;