
Build SSR SPA with PHP

Primary LanguagePHPBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Installing Yugal

Inviting contributions to add dynamic routing functionallity in Yugal

Installing PHP Enviroment

PHP environment is necessary for Yugal projects to test and run. In local computer you can install any PHP environment you are comfortable with. Here we are installing XAMPP.

Installing XAMPP is very easy, just download respective package from https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html suitable for your OS and install it as you do with any other software.

Earlier Yugal CLI required Node JS to be installed to run, from Yugal 8, Yugal CLI is moved to Python, so developers now need to install Python.

Install Yugal CLI

Install Python

Download and install Python from its official site. Make sure that you check pip and Environment Variables checkbox while installation. In most of Linux distributions Python is pre installed. Therefore if you are using using Linux, then try running python or python3 in your terminal to check if Python is already installed.

Install Yugal CLI

After installing Python, run the command below to install Yugal CLI.

pip install yugal

Creating New Project

Run the command below to create new project in your server directory. Eg: htdocs, public_html.

yugal --init awesomeapp

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