Simulation code for the implementation described in paper "Distributed Tree Structure for Composite Physical Objects"
This is an Eclipse project and could be imported directly.
To run from command prompt do the following:
DistributedTree$ javac -d bin/ -cp src src/simulationDistHierarchy/
DistributedTree$ java -cp bin simulationDistHierarchy.SubTree
The source codes were written as part of the paper and thesis mentioned below. The rights are owned by INRIA. However you are free to use/modify them as long as you give credits to the authors.
Sinha, Arnab, Yann Glouche, and Paul Couderc. "Distributed Tree Structure for Composite Physical Objects." Procedia Computer Science 32 (2014): 587-595.
Sinha, Arnab. Self-describing objects with tangible data structures. Diss. Université Rennes 1, 2014.