This library provides a D wrapper around the Poppler PDF rendering library (poppler-23.07.0). The current functionality is limited to displaying PDF documents loaded from a file.
No actual PDF generating abilities have been wrapped yet, but I am happy to add them here if requested.
The current functionality encloses:
static Document loadFromFile(string fileName, string password = "");
int getNPages();
Page getPage(int index);
void getSize(out double width, out double height);
void render(Context context);
void renderForPrinting(Context context);
ImageSurface getImage(int imageId);
sudo apt install libpoppler-glib8
Install Poppler glib package, Ubuntu 22.04 example (ymmv):
sudo apt install libpoppler-glib8
dub build
then change directory into examples/pdfview and run
dub build
Run the sample
./pdfview file:$PWD/gtk3.pdf
Install latest msys2 from
Install msys2 package mingw-w64-x86_64-poppler using pacman
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-poppler
Download and install GTK 64 bit runtime from
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;C:\Program Files\Gtk-Runtime\bin
(order of the path is important!)
dub build
then change directory into examples/pdfview and run
dub build
Run the sample
pdfview.exe file:/Users/myuser/src/doppler/example/pdfview/gtk3.pdf
Does anyone have a Macbook and wants to help out?
A lot!
v0.0.1 first release