
Project 1 in CIS700 Fall 2020

Primary LanguagePython

Project I: Automatic Index Selection for Datalog

Team Notes

To run

$ pip install networkx
$ run the thing with input (TODO!)

( I wrote this in a separate repo, then realized I should just fork this).

Index Selection Algorithm based on

P. Subotić, H. Jordan, L. Chang, A. Fekete, and B. Scholz, “Automatic index selection for large-scale datalog computation,” Proc. VLDB Endow., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 141–153, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.14778/3282495.3282500.

find here: http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol12/p141-subotic.pdf

This project:


this class:


TODO: * Get MIT license authorization from everyone in class.

Testing Strategy

  • Gamut of Examples -- Davis, Mengyu
  • Yihao will turn our examples to input to Kris's ais.rkt to test if our output matches his.


CIS 700, Syracuse U, Fall 2020

Instructor: Kris Micinski

For this project, you may work in groups of up to three students.

This project will have you implement the automatic index selection algorithm from the paper "Automatic Index Selection for Large-Scale Datalog Computation."


Note that I am not providing starter code for this project. I am providing only sample inputs. Like a research project, it is your job to architect a solution from scratch, using whatever tools your group finds most expedient and enabling to collaboration.

Project Description

As we discussed in class, trie-based Datalog engines rely on storing multiple copies of each relations, one for each necessary index. For example, consider the following program:

R0(x,y) :- R1(x,y) R2(x,z)
R0(x,y) :- R1(x,y) R3(y,x)
R3(x,1) :- R0(x,y)

The first rule is a join of R1 and R2 on the first column. An efficient implementation of this rule requires that R1 be indexed on its first column, and the same for R2. The second rule is a join between R1 and R3, and requires that both are indexed on both of their columns. The last rule selects from its first column and ignores the second.

For each relation R with arity n, an "index" for R is an ordering of R's columns, i.e., an n-tuple consisting of values in the range [0-n). You will calculate minimal necessary set of indices for each relation using the algorithm discussed in the above paper.

Although a naive implementation may keep two separate indices for R1 in the above example ((0) and (0,1)), an efficient implementation will recognize that the second index overlaps the first. Thus, it is more efficient to store only the second.

A reasonable solution would output the following indices for each relation:

  • R0 -- {(0,1)}. This index is rather arbitrary, since R0 is never used in a join. But it is used in a selection / iteration, so it makes sense to put 0 first.
  • R1 -- {(0,1)}, as discussed above
  • R2 -- {(0,1)}, as R2 is indexed on the first column. {(0,1)} would also be acceptable.
  • R3 -- {(0,1)}, for the same reason as R0 needs (0,1).

For examples that would generate more than one index, look at Table 1 in the paper.

Sample inputs

Given in this directory. ex0 is the one above. ex1 is the one from the paper. ex2 is another one I made up.


  • A program, written in any language you want, that accepts one command-line argument corresponding to the input file.

  • Your program will output a set of indices for each relation.

Input Format

The input is a Datalog program consisting of the following:

  • The program is a sequence of nonempty lines.

  • Each line contains a Datalog rule consisting of a head and body.

  • Rules have the format H(a,...) :- B0(a,...) B1(a,...) where each a is either a variable or a literal integer. There will be no spaces in between the arguments to relations.

  • Note that the input will not contain underscores, as in the paper. Instead, it will contain variables which are unused in the head clause. For example:

R0(x,y) :- R1(x,y,z)
  • The head clause is of the form R(x,y,...) where each argument is either an alphanumeric variable name (grounded in the body) or a nonnegative integer.

  • Rules with zero bodies are facts, and must be fully ground. For example, the following is a fact:

R(1,2,3) :-
  • Note that facts still contain the :- symbol to make parsing fairly uniform.

  • Each rule has precisely one head, but zero or more bodies.

  • The body consists of a join of a number of relations of the form R(x,y,...) where each of the arguments to the relation is either a variable or a literal integer.

  • Every variable used in the head must be grounded in the body. For example, the following rule is unacceptable because y is not ground in the body:

R0(x,y) :- R1(x,z) R2(z,x)
  • I realize I may not have gotten everything here. Please ask questions as you have them. I want to make this easy for you, so I'm happy to change stuff if it makes more superficial aspects of the assignment easier.

Output and Grading

You will output, for each relation, a set of indices. I do not care how this is rendered. For example, you might write out JSON, you might pretty-print an S-expression, or you might simply write output to the terminal. For example, this would be a reasonable implementation:

R0 -- 2 indices
(0, 3, 1, 2, 4)
(2, 4, 0, 1, 3)

I will not be using automated tests to grade this project. I will instead grade based on the following criteria:

  • For each of the examples given, did you get the correct answer (you need to figure that out, too, by the way, but please feel free to work this out and ask)?

  • Did you also test your project on larger, more complicated cases?

  • Did you have some thoughtful testing methodology to ensure your algorithm is correct? For example, if you used maximal matching, did you validate this in some way (against, say, a reference implementation using random testing)? I'm not expecting anything specific here, I just want to make sure your code is decently robust.

  • Do I feel like everyone in your group got to contribute and learn something? I don't want one person to do the assignment. It's absolutely fine, however, if group members have varying amounts of skill-level (and thus contribute differently) in tasks like programming. But each group member should be checked in to the technical aspects of the project. Ideally, you should try to do pair-programming to the extent possible.

I hope to award full credit on this assignment, based on your working with me to deliver a satisfactory answer from your group. However, I will grade based on my own inspection of your code, along with running it on several examples of my own. I will not be a big stickler on code quality, though I do want you to be thoughtful programmers, and I will ask you questions and give advice if you implemented things in a way I find confusing.