
Lung Segmentation Experiments

Primary LanguagePython

Lung Segmentation

Lung Segmentation using a U-Net model on 3D CT scans.

Current results example :

lung segmentation example

Getting started


Our base wmlce conda environment does not come with SimpleITK nor pynrrd, two required python libraries to run this code.

  • To install pynrrd:
$ pip install pynrrd
  • To install SimpleITK (from .whl):
$ pip install SimpleITK-1.2.0+gd6026-cp36-cp36m-linux_ppc64le.whl
  • If you do not have access to the whl file, you need to build it (on power pc)


+-- data/
    +-- dataset.py	: Class describing the dataset we use for lung segmentation
    +-- utils.py	: Script for manipulating medical files
+-- config.json
+-- eval.py
+-- model.py		: U-Net model definition
+-- predict.py		: Inference script to run infer lung mask on a CT-scan
+-- README.md		: This documentation file
+-- train.py		: Train script to train a new lung segmentation model


The data used is the TCIA LIDC-IDRI dataset Standardized representation (download here), combined with matching lung masks from LUNA16 (not all CT-scans have their lung masks in LUNA16 so we need the list of segmented ones).

3 parameters have to be fulfilled to use available data:

  • labelled-list: path to the pickle file containing the list of CT-scans from the TCIA LIDC-IDRI dataset for which we have access to the lung segmentation masks through the LUNA16 dataset.
  • scans: path to the TCIA LIDC-IDRI dataset.
  • masks: path to the LUNA16 dataset containing lung masks.

You can manipulate data trough the data/dataset.py (class describing our lung segmentation dataset) and data/utils.py (tools for manipulating medical files) files.


To perform predictions on unseen CT-scans, run for example (wmlce on powerai):

$ data=/wmlce/data/projects/jfr/data/LIDC-IDRI/LIDC-IDRI-0325/
$ output_path=/wmlce/data/projects/jfr/ls_output
$ nb_classes=1
$ start_filters=32
$ python3 predict.py -d $data -o $output_path -c $nb_classes -f $start_filters -t [-e]
  • See python3 predict.py --help for more information.


To perform evaluation using the existing model, run for example (wmlce on powerai):

$ LABELLED_LIST=/wmlce/data/retina-unet/data/labelled.pickle
$ MASKS=/wmlce/data/retina-unet/data/lung_masks_LUNA16
$ SCANS=/wmlce/data/retina-unet/data/LIDC-IDRI
$ python3 eval.py --labelled-list $LABELLED_LIST --masks $MASKS --scans $SCANS --nb-classes $NB_CLASSES --start-filters $START_FILTERS 
  • See python3 eval.py --help for more information.