
Some tricks of GEMM optimization.

Primary LanguageC++

GEMM Step by Step


Recommend to read the code in this sequence order.

  • cpu_naive: The most naive triple for loops method.
  • cpu_opt_loop: Optimize the order of for-loop, let 3 matrices be access as row-oriented, more cache-friendly.
  • cpu_multi_threads: Divide result matrix as some parts, one thread to compute the results of one part.
  • cpu_simd: Based on multi-threads, one thread will execute in one core, leverage SIMD to optimize the most internal for-loop.


  • cuda_naive: The most naive method to compute GEMM with CUDA. One thread to compute one cell.
  • cuda_shared_mem: Divide the matrix into some tiles, leverage the shared memory within each block to reduce the time of memory access. Refer to CUDA Guide - Shared Memory.


Run make cpu_xxx or make cuda_xxx to execute one program. Run make test to execute all programs.

Final result on my machine:

matrix size = 1024 x 1024
Name                AvgTime(ms)         AvgCpuCycles
cpu_naive           2906.039965         6695144468.000000
cpu_opt_loop        208.853657          481170332.000000
cpu_multi_threads   89.721127           206703648.000000
cpu_simd            76.574855           176416902.000000
cuda_naive          203.609718          -
cuda_shared_mem     70.912909           -