
Using MPU9250 to control a car (customize PCB using Atmel SAM4S8)

Primary LanguageC


This contains a directory structure for your assignment.

doc -- documentation

hw -- hardware

src -- source code


Your group leader should create a forked copy of the wacky-racers-2018 git project and then add the other group members to the project. This can be done by:

  1. Go to https://eng-git.canterbury.ac.nz/mph/wacky-racers-2018

  2. Click 'Fork' button. This will create your own copy of the repository.

  3. Click on the ‘Settings’ menu then click the 'Expand' button for 'Sharing and permissions'. Change 'Project Visibility' to 'Private'.

  4. Click on the 'Members' menu and add group members as Developers.

  5. Using bash terminal (or other useful shell), enter the command:

$ git clone --recursive https://eng-git.canterbury.ac.nz/your-userid/wacky-racers.git

If you do not want to have to enter your password for every git push/pull operation, you should set up ssh-keys and use:

$ git clone --recursive git@eng-git.canterbury.ac.nz:your-userid/wacky-racers.git

Note, this project uses two submodules (mmculib and mat91lib) hosted on github.


Updating is a nuisance since each submodule needs to be pulled separately. This can be achieved using:

$ git pull && git submodule update

Note, the submodules mmculib and mat91lib have detached heads.

A simpler way is to run (from the top-level directory):

$ make update


The src/boards directory contains a number of configurations; one for the hat and racer boards. Each configuration directory contains three files:

  • board.mk --- this is a makefile fragment that specifies the MCU model, optimisation level, etc.
  • target.h --- this is a C header file that defines the PIO pins and clock speeds.
  • config.h --- this is a C header file that wraps target.h. It's purpose is for porting to different compilers.

You will need to edit the target.h file for your board.


Compilation requires a bare-metal ARM GCC toolchain arm-none-eabi. See http://ecewiki.elec.canterbury.ac.nz/mediawiki/index.php/ARM_toolchain for installation details.

Compilation is performed using makefiles, since each application requires many files. Rather than having large makefiles, a heirarchy of makefile fragments is employed. Dependencies are automatically generated.

A board description can be selected with the BOARD environment variable. This can be defined for each command, for example,

$ BOARD=racer make program

Alternatively, this can be defined for a session

$ export BOARD=racer
$ make program

Before you can flash any code to the MCU, you need to disable the write-protection bit in the non-volatile memory. This will need to be done once, and only needed again if you erase your flash memory.

$ make bootflash

Each of the makefiles has the following phony targets:

  • all --- compile the application
  • program --- compile the application and download to the MCU (you need Openocd running as a daemon)
  • debug --- start the debugger GDB (you need Openocd running as a daemon)
  • reset --- reset your MCU (you need Openocd running as a daemon)
  • clean --- delete the executable and object files. This is necessary when compiling for a different board.
  • bootflash -- this needs to done once to set a bit in the SAM4S so that it will run your application and not its bootloader on reset.

Demo applications

These are found in the demo-apps directory. These are board independent and thus the specific board must be selected with the BOARD environment variable. Note, when debugging hardware it is much easier to use a small test program rather than a large application.

There a number of variations of each test program. As a rule, the larger the number, the fancier the level of abstraction.

I suggest trying the following programs:

  • ledflash1 You will need to correctly define LED1_PIO in boards/xxxx/target.h If this program does not run see http://ecewiki.elec.canterbury.ac.nz/mediawiki/index.php/SAM4S_getting_started.
  • pwm_test1 You will need to edit pwm_test1.c and define PWM1_PIO for an available PWM pin. This program is useful for checking that the phase-locked loop (PLL) is correctly configured to generate the correct CPU clock frequency. You should see a 100 kHz square wave using an oscilloscope connected to the specified PIO pin (provided it can be driven from the PWM peripheral).
  • usb_vbus_test1 This will turn a LED on if the USB VBUS signal is detected when a USB cable is connected to a computer. It is a simple example of using a PIO as an input.
  • usbserial_hello1 This will repeatedly send "Hello world" to a computer via the USB CDC protocol. If you have connected a USB cable to a computer running Linux, the Linux dmesg command should say someting about ttyACM0 detected. If not see the troubleshooting section. For more details, see http://ecewiki.elec.canterbury.ac.nz/mediawiki/index.php/USB_CDC.
  • adc_test1 This reads from the AD5 and AD6 analogue inputs and prints the values to a computer with the USB CDC protocol.

Wacky racer applications

There is skeleton code for these in the wacky-apps directory. There are two programs; one for the racer and hat boards. Note, try the test-apps first before trying to write these programs to ensure you have the correct pin definitions, etc.

Files common to each program are found in the wackylib directory.


If nothing runs, see http://ecewiki.elec.canterbury.ac.nz/mediawiki/index.php/SAM4S_getting_started.


If USB does not work check boards/xxxx/target.h that the definition of UDP_VBUS_PIO is correct for your board. The default is


Note, the USB driver fires up when this PIO pin goes high in response to the USB connector being plugged in to a computer.

If there is no VBUS detection, do not define this macro.

Watchdog timers

By default, the watchdog timers are disabled. To enable them, use:

#include "mcu.h"

mcu_watchdog_enable ();

To reset the watchdog, in your main loop use:

mcu_watchdog_reset ();


I/O is non-blocking so if data is not available, the functions return without waiting. The underlying drivers use the POSIX I/O model.

Coding style

For the curious, the GNU C coding style is used. I worked as a contractor for the USA company Cygnus Solutions (taken over by Redhat) as a compiler engineer working on the GNU C compiler (GCC). The first-rule when working as a programmer for a company is to follow the required coding style. My text editor (emacs) is set up to default to this style.