
A customizable starting point for building Facebook bots

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Botkit Starter Kit for Facebook

This repo contains everything you need to get started building a bot with Botkit and Botkit Studio!

Botkit Studio is a set tools that adds capabilities to the open source Botkit library by offering hosted GUI interfaces for script management and action trigger definition. Botkit Studio is built by the company that created and maintains the open source Botkit library, Howdy.

While Botkit Studio is not required to build a bot using Botkit, we highly recommend it as your bot will be easier to manage, customize and extend.

Instant Start

Remix this project on Gomix

Deploy to Heroku

Get Started

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/howdyai/botkit-starter-facebook.git

Install dependencies, including Botkit:

cd botkit-starter-facebook
npm install

Get a Facebook access tokens as described here

Get a Botkit Studio token from your Botkit developer account

Run your bot from the command line with your new tokens:

page_token=<page access token> verify_token=<webhook verification token> studio_token=<botkit studio token> node .

Facebook requires your application be available at an SSL-enabled endpoint. To expose an endpoint during development, we recommend using localtunnel.me or ngrok, either of which can be used to temporarily expose your bot to Facebook. Once stable and published to the real internet, use nginx or another web server to provide an SSL-powered front end to your bot application.

Continue your journey to becoming a champion botmaster by reading the Botkit Studio SDK documentation here.

Extend This Bot

This repo is designed to provide developers a robust starting point for building a custom bot. Included in the code are a set of sample bot "skills" that illustrate various aspects of the Botkit SDK features. Once you are familiar with how Botkit works, you may safely delete all of the files in the skills/ subfolder.

Developers will build custom features as modules that live in the skills/ folder. The main bot application will automatically include any files placed there.

A skill module should be in the format:

module.exports = function(controller) {

    // add event handlers to controller
    // such as hears handlers that match triggers defined in code
    // or controller.studio.before, validate, and after which tie into triggers
    // defined in the Botkit Studio UI.
