
API Currency Exchange - Adonis.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Adonis API Test application

This is the boilerplate for creating an API server in AdonisJs, it comes pre-configured with.

  1. Bodyparser
  2. Authentication
  3. CORS
  4. Lucid ORM
  5. Migrations and seeds


Use the adonis command to install the blueprint

cp .env.example .env

npm install
npx adonis migration:run
npx adonis seed

Run Server

To run the server in development env run the following

npx adonis serve --dev

Or run the following to avoid any refresh of the application

npm start



After running the seed command you could login into the system using the following credentials

user: jsinnerx@gmail.com
pass: admin


There's missing unit tests and functional tests (endpoints). If I had had more time I've could finish them. But, there is a directory (postman-tests) where you can see the tests I've made using Postman.



You could get into this URL http://localhost:4000/docs and review the list of endpoints created.