
BlueAnt unofficially offers a rest service (see WEB-INF/conf/axis2.xml) Our service provider does not give any support for it and won't garantee data consistency.

They instead recommend to use the soap service. However..

How to use the rest service

The rest service has the same endpoints as the soap service (see wsdl2html.html)

For example you can call https://{blueantHost}/services/BaseService/Login with username and password as get/post parameters. As a result you will get a session key which you have to add to all other requests. Your personally assigned projects can be requested with https://{blueantHost}/services/WorktimeAccountingService/getProjects and only the sessionID as post parameter.

But, dont use GET-Parameters for security reasons. You have to pass your arguments as form data

One thing to note: BlueAnt does not return json answers, but only XML.

Test it


This project offers a helper library to use with blueant (see src/blueant.ts).


  • Handling of request and responses from blueant
  • Relogin after session timeout
  • Promises


setEnviroment(enviromentUrl: string): void

Baseurl of all ajax requests

login(username: string, password: string): Promise<Blueant>


isAuthenticated(): boolean

Returns wether the user is authenticated. Does not return wether the session is still active (but the session will be reactivated by the library).

logout(): void


getProjects(): Promise<Project[]>

Returns an array of projects that you are assigned to.

getTasks(projectID: number): Promise<Task[]>

Returns an array of tasks.

Hint: Tasks can have child tasks and they have a boolean attribut worktimeAllowed.

getActivities(): Promise<Activity[]>

Returns a list of activities like "Productive" or "Night work".

addWorktime(date: Date, projectID: number, taskID: number, activityID: number, billable: boolean, duration: number, comment: string): Promise<any>

editWorktime(worktimeID: number, date: Date, projectID: number, taskID: number, activityID: number, billable: boolean, duration: number, comment: string): Promise<any>

Add or edit worktimes.

deleteWorktime(worktime: Worktime): Promise<any>

Deletes a worktime entry.

getWorktimes(fromDate: Date, toDate?: Date): Promise<Worktime[]>

Returns a list of worktimes. The toDate parameter is optional and one day as period is assumed if left out.

getHolidays(fromDate: Date, toDate?: Date): Promise<Holiday[]>

Returns a list of holidays. If the second parameter is undefined, one year as period will be assumed.

Example Usage


If you build a javascript application you may be limited to the same origin policy.

You can easily create a proxy for blueant with express and express-http-proxy.

app.use('/blueant', proxy('', {
    forwardPath: function (req, res) {
        var path = require('url').parse(req.url).path;
        return '/blueant' + path;


var blueant = new Blueant();
blueant.login('username', 'password').then(() => { console.log('Login successfull'); });

Have a look at demo/app/login/login.component.ts


var blueant = new Blueant();
blueant.login('username', 'password').then(() => {
    console.log('Login successfull');
    blueant.getWorktime(new Date()).then(function (worktimes) {

Further examples

You can find many examples in the demo application. Have a look at the components in demo/app/.


Any changes in the src-folder can be build with the following command:

npm run build