
Boiler plate for next.js run on docker, for dev and production

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is initial project next.js (SSR) with docker.

Specification :

  • use docker image node:10 (node version v10.15.3)
  • react 16.8.4
  • next.js 8.0.3
  • eslint
  • env variable production and dev with (next.config.js)
  • example of usage of styled component ( /pages/index)
  • build in json server on port 3001 ( /src/test/json-server)
  • example unit test with mocking axios request ( /src/tests/example/axios-mocking)
  • example of function unit test ( /utils/arith.test.js )
  • example context api as state management ( /src/context/account, /pages/_app.js, /pages/index.js )


Install docker on your local machine.

Build on Docker

Entrance scripts :

Run Development server : $ ./build/dev
Run Staging server : $ ./build/stg
Run Production server : $ ./build/prod

App will run on port 3000.

Run Local WITHOUT Docker

Prepare your env.js first.

$ yarn install
$ yarn dev

Run on port 3000 in your local machine.

Run Local WITH Docker

Prepare your env.js first.

$ ./build/local

App will run on port 3000.

Run Json Server

$ yarn jsonserver

location of json.db : ./tests/json-server/db.json

Analyze bundle size

$ yarn analyze