
Make single-file builds of Python tools using zapp, shiv, or pex

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Make single-file builds of Python tools using zapp, shiv, or pex.


Binary distributions:

Source code:


$ toolmaker --help
usage: toolmaker [-h] [--version] [--config CONFIG]
                 [--build | --rebuild | --delete] [--all]
                 [tool [tool ...]]

Make single-file builds of Python tools using zapp, shiv, or pex

positional arguments:
  tool                  apply action on this tool(s)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        configuration file (default:
  --build, -b           build selected tool(s)
  --rebuild, -r         rebuild selected tool(s)
  --delete, -d          delete selected tool(s)
  --all, -a             apply action on all tools


By default this tool looks for a configuration file at the following location:

  • ${HOME}/.config/toolmaker/toolmaker.cfg on Linux
  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\toolmaker\toolmaker.cfg on Windows
tools_directory = ~/.local/bin/.toolmaker

entry_point = deptree.cli:main
requirements =

entry_point = http.server

entry_point = shiv.cli:main
requirements =

entry_point = something.cli:main
requirements =
    SomeRandomProject --find-links /path/to/location
requirements_txts =


The action can be specified on the command line. Either one of:

  • --build, -b to build (already existing tools are skipped);
  • --rebuild, -r to rebuild (already existing tools are rebuilt);
  • --delete, -d to delete (tool target file is deleted if it exists, then its parent directory is deleted if it is empty).

The default action when no flag is specified is to build the tools.


Place tools in current directory

tools_directory =
tool_directory =

# ./foo

# ./bar

Place tools in specific directory

tools_directory = /somewhere
tool_directory =

# /somewhere/foo

# /somewhere/bar

Place tools in subdirectories

tools_directory = /somewhere

# /somewhere/foo0/foo0

tool_directory = foo0
# /somewhere/foo0/foo1

# /somewhere/foo2/foo2

tool_file = foo0
# /somewhere/foo3/foo0

Example to use with GNU stow

To use in combination with GNU Stow:

tools_directory = ~/.local/bin/.toolmaker

# ~/.local/bin/.toolmaker/foo0/foo0

tool_directory = foo0
# ~/.local/bin/.toolmaker/foo0/foo1

# ~/.local/bin/.toolmaker/foo2/foo2

tool_file = foo0
# ~/.local/bin/.toolmaker/foo3/foo0


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