Well.. it sounds great. So, what is it?
You probably encountered at least once the situation that upcasted [Any]
, [AnyHashable: Any]
or anything as Any
. If so, you wrote as follows:
func tion(_ anAny: Any) -> Int {
var anArray: [Int]?
var aDictionary: [String: Any]?
var result = 0
if anAny is [Int] {
anArray = anAny as! [Int]
else if anAny is [String: Int] {
aDictionary = anAny as! [String: Int]
if let anArray = anArray {
result = ((anArray[3] as? [Int])?[9] as? [Int])?[27]? ?? 0
else if let aDictionary = aDictionary {
result = (aDictionary["3"] as? [String: [String: Int]])?["9"]?["27"] ?? 0
return result
No, stop! Please have mercy on me!
- Package.swift (Using Swift Package Manager)
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "AWESOME_APP",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1),
- Cartfile (Using Carthage)
github "minacle/AAA" ~> 1.0
- Podfile (Using CocoaPods)
target 'AWESOME_APP' do
pod 'AAA', '~> 1.0'
...Now, we have AAA
. Let's try it!
import AAA
func tion(_ anAny: Any) -> Int {
let a = AAA(anAny)
return (a[3][9][27][] ?? a["3"]["9"]["27"][]) as? Int ?? 0
Wait, what? Are these really same code? What a beautiful!
It's super simple.
- Just wrap anything with
. - Explore with index or key.
to get a copy of the thing!
- If index or key was wrong, it returns
which containsnil
. - If so,