
Primary LanguagePython


Create a bot account fllowing this guide.

Clone the repo:

git clone https://gitlab.com/zloutek1/MasarykBOT.git
cd MasarykBOT/bot/

Setup database

Install a MySQL server:

  • for example download WAMP, LAMP or XAMPP Apache servers
  • then upgrade the default MySQL 5 to MySQL 8.0+ from mysql.com/downloads
  • to have the same database structure as the bot uses import assets/database_setup.sql into your database

MasarykBOT will run also without the database, but ceratin commands will be unavailable

Setup enviroment variables

you need to setup your enviroment variables either create a *.env* file.

.env file content:

DB_DATABASE = "discord"
DB_HOST = "localhost"
DB_PASS = "<your_password>"
DB_PORT = 3306
DB_USER = "root"
PREFIX = "!"
TOKEN = "<your_bot_token>"

Python settings


Install python packages:

python3 -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt

Run the bot:

python3 __main__.py

(Optional) Deployment to Heroku

  • Fork this git repository
  • Create an account and login to Heroku dashboard
  • Go to new > Create a new app
  • After the setup go to Deploy tab, select deployment method github, and connect to your forked github project
  • Then go to Settings tab, click on Reveal Config Vars and enter your .env variables
  • After all that push to git or in Deploy tab and click Deploy Branch