Hepsitodo App Backend

Please follow operations that shown below to run this project.

Database Initialization

  • docker-compose up -d db
  • Visit the http://localhost:8091/
  • Login with user name and password (username: Administrator, password: password)
  • Create bucket called todo_bucket
  • Create a document called todos on todo_bucket
  • Create a document called users on todo_bucket
  • Run CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON todo_bucket._default.users command to create index.
  • Run CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON todo_bucket._default.todos command to create index.

Start the Service

  • Run docker-compose up -d todo_server

NOTE: Postman Collection file can be found at this address

NOTE: Swagger UI can be found at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html (Please use with /v1/api-docs path)

Start the UI App

  • If everything is ok, you can run the ui application that shown this repo.