
ST2/ST3 plugin for managing django project

Primary LanguagePython

 ____  _                           __  __                                           
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| | | | |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \  | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \             
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 \____\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|___/                              


Django manage commands

The best tool for your django development.


This tool is a Sublime Text wrapper around django manage.py commands.

So you can create new Django projects and apps directly from Sublime text like this

new project

Make migrations, migrate the database or run tests


And run the test server


Even run tests


You can also run Django: Custom Command to access other manage.py commands. Try Django: Help and you will get full list of commands provided by each application.

Or you can choose to use Django: Other Command to list and run all commands available to manage.py


Currently tested on Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS, Ubuntu and many other linux distros.

Everything tested and running!

  • Virtualenv support
  • Django boilerplate
  • Install your dependencies
  • Install new pip packages
  • Open and search in django documentation from the editor
  • Run custom servers
  • PostgreSQL specific features snippets
  • And More!


Package Control

The easiest way to install this is with Package Control.

  • If you just went and installed Package Control, you probably need to restart Sublime Text before doing this next bit.
  • Bring up the Command Palette (Command+Shift+p on OS X, Control+Shift+p on Linux/Windows).
  • Select "Package Control: Install Package" (it'll take a few seconds)
  • Select Django Manage Commands when the list appears.

Package Control will automatically keep plugin up to date with the latest version.



Currently supports following commands:


  • Django: New Project
  • Django: New App
  • Django: Run Server
  • Django: Run Custom Server
  • Django: Boilerplate
  • Django: Test
  • Django: Test All
  • Django: Shell
  • Django: DB Shell
  • Django: Custom Command
  • Django: Other Command
  • Django: Check
  • Django: Help
  • Django: Open Docs
  • Django: Search in Docs
  • Django: Make Migration
  • Django: SQLMigration
  • Django: Migrate Database
  • Django: List Migrations
  • Django: Click

Virtual Environment:

  • Django: Set Virtual Environment
  • Django: Terminal Here
  • Django: Pip Freeze
  • Django: Pip Freeze To File
  • Django: Pip Install Packages
  • Django: Pip Install Requirements
  • Django: Set Project Interpreter
  • Django: Use Default Interpreter


  • python_bin: path to python interpreter
  • python_version : default python interpreter version
  • python_virtualenv_paths: list of paths where virtualenvs are located (ex:~/.virtualenvs/)*
  • server_host: host for the runserver command
  • server_port: port for the server to listen
  • linux_terminal: Linux only, used to define a custom command line emulator**
  • osx_terminal: Mac OSX only, used to define a custom terminal emulator.***
  • browser_after_runserver: set true to open a browser pointing to the root url after a run server command.
  • project_override: (Boolean) Per project setting "python_interpreter" overrides "python_bin"
  • server_custom_command: Per project setting to specify a custom server to run

Each setting has it's own explanation and some examples of use at the default settings file.

*It's important to set your envs directories

*The folders in this list should be the parent folder of the virtualenv folder, not the virtualenv folder itself

**Default is x-terminal-emulator with a fallback to xterm

***Default is Terminal

Please report any issue, bug, enhacement or comment here

We'll be glad to read and work on all of them