
Download Instagram Stories in Go

Primary LanguageGoThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Web Scrape Instagram Stories in Go

https://godoc.org/github.com/siongui/goigstorydl?status.png https://api.travis-ci.org/siongui/goigstorydl.png?branch=master https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/siongui/goigstorydl


Download Instagram stories in Go. Currently only Linux systems are supported because wget is called via os/exec package.

Obtain Cookies

The following three values are must to access the Instagram story API.

  • ds_user_id
  • sessionid
  • csrftoken

First login to Instagram from Chrome browser, and there are two ways to get the above information:

  1. From Chrome Developer Tools: See this SO answer or Obtain cookies section in instastories-backup repo.

ds_user_id sessionid csrftoken

  1. From Chrome extension: Use EditThisCookie or cookie-txt-export or other cookie tools.


package main

import (

func main() {
      igstorydl.MonitorAndDownload("your user id", "your session id", "your csrftoken")


Released in public domain. See UNLICENSE.


[1]GitHub - siongui/goigstorylink: Get Links (URL) of Instagram Stories in Go
[2]GitHub - siongui/goigfollow: Get Instagram following and followers in Go