Traditional and Simplified Chinese Conversion in Go
Convert Traditional Chinese to/from Simplified Chinese in Go. This implementation is based on python-jianfan, and is very primitive. If you need advanced converter, visit OpenCC project, or pure Go implementation of OpenCC [13].
$ go get -u
package main
import (
func main() {
// Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese
// Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese
Tested on:
Released in public domain. See UNLICENSE.
[1] | Jianfan - A python library for translation between traditional and simplified chinese |
[2] |
[3] |
[4] |
[5] |
[6] | 開放中文轉換 Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC) (source code, online doc) |
[7] | stevenyao/go-opencc · GitHub (OpenCC wrapper for Golang, ) |
[8] | [Golang] Converter for Traditional and Simplified Chinese |
[9] | godoctricks - GoDoc |
[10] |
[11] | Go Report Card | Go project code quality report cards |
[12] | Quality metadata badges for open source projects |
[13] |