
Get your Advent of Code data with a single import statement

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Advent of Code data

pyversions pypi womm

Get your puzzle data with a single import statement:

from aocd import data

Might be useful for lazy Pythonistas and speedhackers.

Note: Please use version 0.3+ of this library. It memoizes successful requests client side and rate-limits the get_data function, as requested by the AoC author. Thanks!

Automated submission

New in version 0.4.0.

from aocd import submit
submit(my_answer, level=1, day=25, year=2017)

The same filename introspection of year/day also works for the automated submission. There is no introspection of the "level", i.e. part A or part B, but there are convenience functions:

from aocd import submit1, submit2

The response message from AoC will be printed in the terminal. If you gave the right answer, then the puzzle will be refreshed in your web browser (so you can read the instructions for the next part, for example). Proceed with caution! If you submit wrong guesses, your user WILL get rate-limited by Eric, so don't call submit until you're fairly confident you have a correct answer!

Setup Guide

Install with pip

pip install advent-of-code-data

Puzzle inputs differ by user. So export your session ID, for example:

export AOC_SESSION=cafef00db01dfaceba5eba11deadbeef

This is a cookie which is set when you login to AoC. You can find it with your browser inspector. If you're hacking on AoC at all you probably already know these kind of tricks, but if you need help with that part then you can look here.

Note: If you don't like the env var, you could also put into a text file in your home directory (use the filename ~/.config/aocd/token).

How does it work?

It will automatically get today's data at import time, if used within the interactive interpreter. Otherwise, the date is found by introspection of the path and file name from which aocd module was imported.

This means your filenames should be something sensible. The examples below should all parse correctly:


A filename like problem_one.py will break shit, so don't do that. If you don't like weird frame hacks, just use the aocd.get_data() function instead and have a nice day!

Please be aware that Python won't import the same module twice, so if you want to get data for multiple problems from within the same interpreter session then you should be using the get_data function directly.

>>> from aocd import get_data
>>> get_data(day=2)
>>> get_data(day=24, year=2015)