
A login system written in PHP.

Use cases

Use cases and requirements: https://github.com/dntoll/1dv610/blob/master/assignments/A2_resources/UseCases.md

Additional use cases

In addition to the use cases referenced above, some additional use cases have been made.

List of usernames

Main scenario

  1. Starts when a user wants to see a list of usernames
  2. System authenticated the user (UC1, UC3)
  3. User is presented with a list of usernames

Alternative scenario

  • 2a. System could not authenticate user
  1. System presents an empty list of usernames
  2. Step 2 in UC1

Set up

  • clone https://github.com/sios13/1DV610-L2.git
  • install sqlite3 https://www.sqlite.org/
  • create a SQLite database called 'db.db' with command: sqlite3 db.db
  • create a table of users using the following command: CREATE TABLE users(name, password, cookie_password, cookie_timer);
  • put the 'db.db' file one level outside the root project folder
  • visit index.php and it should work!