
a talk on intermediate js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Intermediate JS

Functions, Objects, and All That

Learn the Functional Fundamentals of Javascript
Learn the Object Oriented aspects of Javascript
Learn basic design patterns and testing with Javascript

Tentative Agenda

Recommended Reading

  • JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development
  • JavaScript Ninja

Intermediate JS?

JS Functions

Any discussion of javascript starts with an introduction to functions, because some might add that in JS functions come first, i.e. first class functions.

Local Scope

A functions local scope is the all the world of variables defined within a function, the body, and shadow variables outside of the functions body.

var name = "john";
var foo = function () {
	// exists only in the body
	var name = "jane";

Lexical Scope

Lexical scope is the ability of a function to lookup variables not defined locally in its body.

var name = "john";

var foo = function () {
	name = "jane";



  • you might be aware that functions take parameters, but what scope do they fall under?


When we define parameters they are listed in the definition of the function, and their respective values are made available in the local scope of the function. A functions parameters name will act like local variables and shadow variables outside of scope.

var name = "john";

var foo = function  (name) {
	name = "jane";


It is important to note that this is the same. The parameter is just the name for it's arguments value when called.

var name = "john";

var foo = function  (blah) {
	blah = "jane";


It is important to note here that values are passed into functions as arguments, and not a reference to the value. Let's focus on the idea that the value was passed into the function. This is called pass by value. The above example can be re-written with it's value.

var name = "john";

var foo = function  (blah) {
	blah = "jane";


Defining Functions

There are a few ways to define functions.

Function Declaration

A function declaration is a named function.

function greet() {

Note here how we put a name before the parameter list that we can use to call the function.

Function Expressions

A function expression is a variable whose value is an unnamed function.

var greet = function () {


Functions As Values

In the above example of function expressions we noted how we had a variable whose value is an anonymous function, which would lead us to believe that functions can be used like values, i.e. used as arguments passed to functions.

var greet = function () {

var shakeHands = function () {
	console.log("shakes hand");

var introduce = function (actOne, actTwo) {

introduce(greet, shakeHands);


  • Make a fullName function that takes a firstName and lastName and returns the concatenation of their values.
  • Make a randomize function that chooses a random number in a range. Hint: use MDN to lookup Math.floor and Math.random.

Higher Order Functions

The idea of a higher order function is a function that either does one of the following:

  • A function that takes another function as an argument.
  • A function that returns another function.