
a lesson on AJAX with Rails and git workflow

Intro JQuery AJAX

Rails Applications HW???

Before Anything

You'll be expected to have a lot of question about this assignment. As you go through the assignment write down at least 10 questions. You'll be asked to share your top five tomorrow.

  • fork and clone this lab.
  • Once cloned git checkout -b working
  • After each exercise
    • git add . -A
    • git commit -m "some message"
    • make sure you add and commit everything.
      • git checkout master
      • git merge working
      • git push origin master
      • git push origin working
    • On git hub you should submit a pull request.

If you have troubles with this workflow you'll have troubles when you're in a group and you should talk with an instructor.


Let's play around with a single model and jQuery to create and display a simple restaurant model to our rails application.

Be careful with spelling

Be careful with spelling

Be careful with spelling

Initial Setup

We will need some routes

  • resources for restaurants and a root to: "restraurants#index"

We will need the following model

  • a restaurant with a name

We will need the following controller

  • A restaurants controller with an index and create

A Simple API

Let's start with building a partial API for restaurants. Let's setup the following respond_to for the index.


  def index
    @restaurants = Restaurant.all

    respond_to do |f|
      f.json { render json: @restaurants }

Go into you rails console and try to create a Restaurant. If that doesn't work start debugging... :(

Verify that going to /restaurants.json sends a json list of restraunts.

A Simple AJAX Request

JQuery comes with every new rails application by default. To see this look at your application.js


// This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.js, which will include all the files
// listed below.
// Any JavaScript/Coffee file within this directory, lib/assets/javascripts, vendor/assets/javascripts,
// or vendor/assets/javascripts of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path.
// It's not advisable to add code directly here, but if you do, it'll appear at the bottom of the
// compiled file.
// Read Sprockets README (https://github.com/sstephenson/sprockets#sprockets-directives) for details
// about supported directives.
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require turbolinks
//= require_tree .

see how it says the following:


//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs

Let's write a simple script in our application.js to get all articles.



// wait for the page to load
$(function () {
  // make a request to get all articles
    // wait for it to finish
    .done(function (data) {

Verify it works. Start your application and go to localhost:3000. You should see something like the following in you Chrome Console:

> [Object]


Let's make a post request to create a restraurant every time we load the /restraurants route.

// wait for the page to load
$(function () {
  // make a request to get all articles
    // wait for it to finish
    .done(function (data) {

  // post to `restraunts.json`
  // the `.json` tells our rails 
  // app that we want `json` back
  // after it creates something.
  $.post("/restraunts.json",  {
      restraunt: {
        name: "blah"
    // newly created restraurant
    .done(function (data) {
      console.log("New Restraunt", data)

However, we have to setup our backend to recieve the request and respond_to the json format.

  def create
    @restaurant = Restaurant.create(params.require(:restaurant).permit(:name))
    respond_to do |f|
      # note how for HTML requests we still want to redirect
      f.html { redirect_to restaurants_path }
      # we send back the new restraunt as JSON.
      f.json { render json: @restaurant }

Now we our backend is setup to recieve data and we should try to send data to it using $.post. Luckily we already wrote that code earlier so all we have to do is refresh the localhost:3000 page, and we should see the data in the Chrome Console.

> New Restaurant Object {id: 2, name: "blah", created_at: "2015-01-21T23:09:40.431Z", updated_at: "2015-01-21T23:09:40.431Z"}


  • Iterate throught all the restaurants and append them to the body.

    • Add an div with id of restaurants-conatiner to restaurants/index.html.erb. Append all the elements to that div instead.
  • Put a form_for a restaurant in your index.html.erb.

    <%= form_for @restaurant do |f| %>
        <%= f.text_field :name %>
        <%= f.submit %>
    <% end %>
    • Listen for a submit event on the form. Note that if you look at the rendered for in the browser and view page source you'll see that the rendered form has id of #new_restaurant. When the form is submited add take in the event and preventDefualt(). Then alert "submitted!".

      // Waiting for window to load
      $(function () {
        // fetch the restaurant
        var  $restaurantForm = $("#new_restaurant");
        // wait for a submit event. 
        // Read up on the `.on` method in JQuery docs
        // code here...
          // `event` is the event object that has info about
          //    what was submitted
    • After you alert use the $.post method like the one we used earlier to actually create something on the backend. Note before you do this you should probably grab the name of the restaurant out of the form. You might have to view the page source to see what that input's id is.


  • Use after you post from the form append the createdRestaurant to restaurants-container in the index.html.erb.

Extreme Bonus

  • Add a button to delete. This will require you to setup a few things.

    • restaurants#destroy method in the controller.
    • It should append a <button id="delete">Delete</delete> with every new restaurant append to the page.

Solutions If Stuck

  • Iterate throught all the restaurants and append them to the body

    $(function () {
      var $body = $("body");
        .done(function (restaurants) {
          restaurants.forEach(function (restaurant) {
            $body.append("<div>" + restaurant.name + "</div>");
    • Add an div with id of restaurants-conatiner to restaurants/index.html.erb. Append all the elements to that div instead.

        $(function () {
          var $container = $("#restaurants-container");
            .done(function (restaurants) {
              restaurants.forEach(function (restaurant) {
                $container.append("<div>" + restaurant.name + "</div>");
  • Put a form_for a restaurant in your index.html.erb.

    <%= form_for @restaurant do |f| %>
        <%= f.text_field :name %>
        <%= f.submit %>
    <% end %>
    • Listen for a submit event on the form. Note that if you look at the rendered for in the browser and view page source you'll see that the rendered form has id of #new_restaurant. When the form is submited add take in the event and preventDefualt(). Then alert "submitted!".

      // Waiting for window to load
      $(function () {
        // fetch the restaurant
        var  $restaurantForm = $("#new_restaurant");
        // wait for a submit event. 
        // Read up on the `.on` method in JQuery docs
        $restaurantForm.on("submit", function (event) {
          // `event` is the event object that has info about
          //    what was submitted
          // This keeps the page from reloading.
    • After you alert use the $.post method like the one we used earlier to actually create something on the backend. Note before you do this you should probably grab the name of the restaurant out of the form. You might have to view the page source to see what that input's id is.

      // Waiting for window to load
      $(function () {
        // fetch the restaurant
        var  $restaurantForm = $("#new_restaurant");
        // wait for a submit event. 
        // Read up on the `.on` method in JQuery docs
        $restaurantForm.on("submit", function (event) {
          // `event` is the event object that has info about
          //    what was submitted
          // This keeps the page from reloading.
          // view page source to see the input
          //  has this id. Then we grab it's value.
          var restName = $("#restraunt_name").val();
          // like before
          $.post("/restaurants.json", {
            restaurant: {
              name: restName
          }).then(function (createdRestaurant) {
            console.log("CREATED:", createdRestaurant);
