#Movie Lab - Node

We'll be continuing our Movie app from this morning. At first, you created a 2 routes, one to search for a movie, and one to show movie search results.

The next steps in this app is create a movie detail page, and an ability to save a movie for a Watch later list.


  1. User goes to home page that has a search form field for a movie.
  2. The search form will take the user to a search results page of movie listings.
  3. Each movie link should click into a view with detailed information about the movie.
  4. On the movie detail page, have an option to save a movie for a watch later list.

##How to get Started

  1. We left you off this morning showing the search results from the api provided at OMDBapi using a url like http://www.omdbapi.com/?s=matrix. The next step is to turn the movie results into links that will go to a new route, and make an additional API Request for additional movie details.

  2. From the search results page, we notice along with every movie entry there is a IMDBid. Have each movie link to a route like /movie/tt234323. Take the parameter from that url and make an additional API call to retrieve movie details related to that IMDBid

  3. The final part of this project is add some kind of "save" or "watch later" functionality. This can be in the form of a button or link. It should make a post request to a route that will store information about the movies you want to watch later. Hint: Use an object or array to store this information

  4. Provide a watch later route, which list the movies you have saved. Each link should also take me back to a movie detail page using the above route.


  • Style it up
  • Have an option to remove the movie from the watch later list
  • Try to incorporate Bootstrap, Foundation to utilize some of their components or css grids.