Relationships / Associations

Part 1:Knowledge Integration: Practicing Rails Associations

Rails Exercises

Part 2:Application: Integrating Into Rails App

Let's go back to the blog_app we built over the weekend that already has both users and articles and integrate some of our knowledge of the Rails associations. This will require some mind numbing and frustrating refactoring, so stay diligent, and work together.

Add a one-to-many assocciation betweeen articles and users. This means we can get rid of the silly author column in the Article model and use the user.

  • Let's remove the author column from our article by generating a migration

    rails g migration RemoveAuthorFromArticles author:string

    and then migrate

    rake db:migrate
  • Let's also add user_id foriegn key to the Article model by using a migration.

    rails g migration AddUserIdToArticles user_id:integer

    and be sure to migrate

    rake db:migrate
  • Use your knowledge of one-to-many to implement the association in the user and aritcle models

    class Library < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_many :articles

    and also

    class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
      belongs_to :user
  • First go through all your views and remove all the erb that renders

  • In the ArticlesController change the create method to use the current_user.articles.create to create a new article. We don't want to do Article.create anymore.

  • In the UsersController show page render the current_user.articles.