
A demo for the Cordova Plugin OIC project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


This demo app requires the cordova-plugin-ocf packages, available at https://github.com/siovene/cordova-plugin-ocf/.

It show-cases the OCF Cordova Plugin for Android, but discoverying and listing properties of available resources on the current network.

Currently, the OCF Cordova Plugin for Android ships with a pre-built Iotivity 1.0.1 with a custom patch on top.


How to build

sudo apt-get install ruby-compass # Or install Compass somehow else
sudo npm install -g cordova grunt-cli bower # global npm packages
npm install # local npm packages
bower install # client js repositories
grunt platform:add:android # inits the platform and install plugins
grunt run:android # builds, installs and runs on the connected device

How to discover resources

This demo shows "Discovery devices..." after run it on Android device, it needs an OCF server which leverages OCF and IoTivity. They need to access the same network, so that this app could explore some resources and tranfer information between OCF server and OCF client. We recommend you to use it to create your own resource. Here is a guide about how to create a resource using Node.js on Ostro OS. There is a ready demo can be used to setup the OCF server.


Create resources on Edison

  1. Flash Edison device
  2. Boot up the Edison device, the image will auto-login as root now.
  3. Remote ssh Access
  4. Connect to a WiFi network
  5. Download the latest release version sensor code at Host, such as 1.1.0-5, copy it to Edison, follow this file to connect the sensor to Edison, then start the sensor server(e.g. temperature sensor):
  wget https://github.com/01org/SmartHome-Demo/archive/1.1.0-5.tar.gz
  scp -r 1.1.0-5.tar.gz root@[device-ip]:~/
  ssh root@[device-ip]
  tar -xvf 1.1.0-5.tar.gz
  cd SmartHome-Demo-1.1.0-5/ocf-servers/js-servers
  export NODE_DEBUG=temperature
  node temperature.js

Then you should see the following message on your console:

temperature: register OK

Discovery resource on Android device

  1. After running command grunt run, this demo will automatically launch and show Please enable discovery in the settings.
  2. Press menu icon in the top of left, show OCF Demo, Devices, Resources and Settings, then press Settings and enable "Continuous discovery".
  3. Switch to Resources, show the temperature sensor's resource information, such as Device ID and Path, press the resource, will show detail information, for example Device ID, Path and Types. The value field of Properties can be edit.
  4. Switch to Devices, show the temperature sensor's device information(e.g. UUID, URL and Name).


  • The documentation for these resource servers in SmartHome-Demo is availabe in the doc/ folder