
Useful, simple, practical powershell commands


Useful, simple, practical powershell commands

Open Powershell as administrator in directory

alt, f, s, a (while at the directory in File Explorer)

Create an empty file

ni myfile

Delete a file

rm myfile

Open File Explorer

ii .

Clear the screen


List local environment variables

get-childitem env:

Use a local environment variable


Get number of lines/words/characters in a file

get-content .\myfile | measure-object -line
get-content .\myfile | measure-object -word
get-content .\myfile | measure-object -character

Set up alias commands

This sets up gs as git status

$ New-Item -Type file -Path $PROFILE -Force
$ code $PROFILE

# in vscode
function Get-GitStatus { & git status $args }
New-Alias -Name gs -Value Get-GitStatus

Find out what command an alias is doing

get-alias myalias

Restart without exiting

. $profile

# or whatever profile you're trying to invoke
. $profile.AllUsersAllHosts