
HEP: Erlang implementation of HEP/EEP Encapsulation Protocol

Primary LanguageErlangISC LicenseISC


An Erlang implementation of HEP (Homer Encapsulation Protocol).


This project is currently in the incubator of Pannonia Technologies, so there maybe a lot of changes in how this software works or it might not even work at all. There might be terrible inconsistencies in or a complete lack of documentation. So you are warned to use this software at your own risk!

If you'd like to contribute, don't ask, just do it. That's one reason we are here on GitHub.


HEP was designed by the developers of the Homer SIP Capture Server solution. HEP is used to transport metadata and SIP messages from a SIP proxy or SIP user agent to a capture server. HEP is not limited to transport SIP messages, but before version 3 of the protocol, the payload could not be distinguished by the metadata, so transporting anything else than SIP before Version 3 is rather impractical when conveyed through the same channel. A few major Open Source SIP-related projects, like FreeSWITCH, Kamailio and OpenSIPS integrated HEP natively, so this is why this project exists and we also wanted to be able to capture and/or send HEP messages from Erlang. HEP can use any kind of transport channel, but most of the time UDP is used.


Very basic example:


-export([start/1, stop/1]).

start(Port) ->
    ListenerPid = spawn(fun() ->
        {ok, Socket} = gen_udp:open(Port, [binary, {active, true}]),
        Loop = fun(Fun) ->
                {udp, _, _, _, Message} ->
                    {ok, Hep} = hep_multi_parser:parse(Message),
                    HepMsg = hep_transform:transform(Hep),
                    error_logger:info_msg("~p~n", [HepMsg]),
                stop ->
                _ ->
    {ok, ListenerPid}.

stop(ListenerPid) ->
    ListenerPid ! stop.

Protocol Version 1

All integer fields are stored in network byte order.

Name Length Description
Version 8 bits HEP version, always 1 for this version.
Length 8 bits Length of the HEP header, including Version and Length field and excluding payload.
Protocol Family 8 bits Protocol Family PF_INET, PF_INET6 (2 = IPv4, 10 = IPv6).
Protocol 8 bits UDP, TCP, TLS, SCTP, etc..
Source Port 16 bits Source Port of the captured packet in payload.
Destination Port 16 bits Destination Port of the captured packet in payload.
Source Address *1 Source IP of the captured packet in payload.
Destination Address *1 Destination IP of the captured packet in payload.
Payload *2 Payload (usually SIP message)

*1) Length is 32 bits for IPv4 and 128 bits for IPv6.

*2) Variable length not defined by metadata, so this protocol is really only well suited for UDP.

Protocol Version 2

All integer fields are stored in network byte order.

Name Length Description
Version 8 bits HEP version, always 2 for this version.
Length 8 bits Length of the HEP header, including Version and Length field and excluding payload.
Protocol Family 8 bits Protocol Family PF_INET, PF_INET6 (2 = IPv4, 10 = IPv6).
Protocol 8 bits UDP, TCP, TLS, SCTP, etc..
Source Port 16 bits Source Port of the captured packet in payload.
Destination Port 16 bits Destination Port of the captured packet in payload.
Source Address *1 Source IP of the captured packet in payload.
Destination Address *1 Destination IP of the captured packet in payload.
Seconds 32 bits The timestamp in seconds since the Epoch when the included payload was captured.
Microseconds 32 bits The microseconds part of the timestamp.
Capture ID of node 16 bits A capture ID of the node. XXX: What does this exactly mean???
unused 16 bits unused
Payload *2 Payload (usually SIP message)

*1) Length is 32 bits for IPv4 and 128 bits for IPv6.

*2) Variable length not defined by metadata, so this protocol is really only well suited for UDP.

Protocol Version 3

Each packet in HEP version 3 starts with a header:

Name Length Description
Protocol Identifier 4 bytes Always contains "HEP3" for this version.
Total Length 2 bytes The total length of this packet, including Protocol Identifier and Total Length.
Chunks variable The payload as chunks, with a length of "Total Length" minus 6.

All data is encapsulated in chunks:

Name Length Description
Vendor ID 2 bytes Vendor Namespace of this chunk.
Chunk ID 2 bytes Vendor specific chunk id.
Chunk Length 2 bytes The total length of this chunk, including Vendor ID and Chunk ID.
Chunk Payload variable The payload of the chunk, with a length of "Chunk Length minus 6.

The following chunk data types are defined:

Type Description
octet-string Arbitrary octet string ("byte array").
utf8-string UTF-8 encoded character sequence.
uint8 8 bit unsigned integer.
uint16 16 bit unsigned integer in network byte order.
uint32 32 bit unsigned integer in network byte order.
inet4-addr 4 octet IPv4 address, most significant octet first.
inet6-addr 16 octet IPv6 address, most significant octet first.

The following Vendor IDs are assigned:

Vendor ID Assigned Vendor
16#0000 Generic chunk types, see below.
16#0001 FreeSWITCH
16#0002 Kamailio
16#0003 OpenSIPS
16#0004 Asterisk
16#0005 Homer Project
16#0006 SipXecs

Generic chunk types:

Chunk ID Type Description
16#0001 uint8 IP protocol family
16#0002 uint8 IP protocol id
16#0003 inet4-addr IPv4 source address
16#0004 inet4-addr IPv4 destination address
16#0005 inet6-addr IPv6 source address
16#0006 inet6-addr IPv6 destination address
16#0007 uint16 Protocol source port
16#0008 uint16 Protocol destination port
16#0009 uint32 Timestamp in seconds since the Epoch
16#000a uint32 Microseconds part of timestamp
16#000b uint8 Protocol type (see table below)
16#000c uint32 Capture agent id
16#000d uint16 keep alive time in seconds
16#000e octet-string Authenticate key
16#000f octet-string captured packet payload

Protocol types:

Type ID Description
16#00 reserved
16#01 SIP
16#02 H.323
16#03 SDP
16#04 RTP
16#05 RTCP
16#06 MGCP
16#07 MEGACO / H.248
16#08 M2UA (SS7/SIGTRAN)
16#09 M3UA (SS7/SIGTRAN)
16#10 IAX

JSON representation

        "type": "HEP",
        "version": 1,
        "protocolFamily": 2,
        "protocol": 17,
        "srcIp": "",
        "srcPort": 5060,
        "dstIp": "",
        "dstPort": 2048,
        "timestamp": "2013-10-29T15:25:53.567Z",
        "timestampUSecs": 123,
        "captureId": null,
        "vendorChunks": [],
        "payload": {
            "type": "SIP",
            "data": "INVITE sip:100@pantech.intern SIP/2.0\r\n..."
        "type": "HEP",
        "version": 2,
        "protocolFamily": 2,
        "protocol": 17,
        "srcIp": "",
        "srcPort": 5060,
        "dstIp": "",
        "dstPort": 5060,
        "timestamp": "2013-10-29T15:25:53:577Z",
        "timestampUSecs": 0,
        "captureId": 241,
        "vendorChunks": [],
        "payload": {
            "type": "SIP",
            "data": "INVITE sip:100@pantech.intern SIP/2.0\r\n..."

Other Software Supporting HEP

This is third-party software also supporting HEP.

Name HEP Versions Supported Client Server
captagent 1, 2, 3 yes no
FreeSWITCH 1 yes no
Kamailio 1, 2 yes yes
OpenSIPS 1, 2 yes yes



This project is licensed under the ISC License. See LICENSE for details.

Copyright © 2013 Matthias Endler. All rights reserved.