👨💻 This repository is the home of my esolang adventures at various points in time throughout my career. I call them 'adventures' because fiddling around with esoteric languages is not less than one. It's a bloody roller coaster ride - one moment you think you understand the 8 simple commands in the language, then the next moment you're pulling your hairs and bawling your eyes out trying to figure out how to implement a simple for loop. Fun stuff truly.
A programming language that is created for fun, for code obfuscation or as an experiment in simply pushing the boundaries of programming. Too often, esoteric languages are developed by people with far too much time on their hands. For example, the code in the Piet language looks like an abstract art image that is compiled by moving a pointer from one colored region to the next. Whitespace uses commands comprising only combinations of spaces, tabs and line feeds. JSF**k is JavaScript code entirely converted into these six characters [ ] ( ) ! + and no others. You get the gist.
How the heck does Brainf**k work? I have no clue, but maybe this guy does.
All of these images are actually hello world programs written in PIET language.
"A programming language in which programs look like abstract paintings."
- David Morgan-Mar, Creator of PIET