
Gradle plugin for generating java source from wsdl/xsd files

Primary LanguageGroovyMIT LicenseMIT

wsdl2java gradle plugin

Build Status

Gradle plugin for generating java from wsdl, using cxf under the hood and the same options as the maven wsdl-2-java plugin from apache-cxf.

The plugin binaries are downloadable from bintray: https://bintray.com/nilsmagnus/maven/wsdl2java/


If you have any issues with the plugin, please file an issue at github, https://github.com/nilsmagnus/wsdl2java/issues


Contributions are welcome as long as they are sane.



This plugin uses the apache-cxf tools to do the actual work.


Name Description Dependecy
wsdl2java Generate java source from wsdl-files CompileJava depends on wsdl2java
xsd2java Generate java source from xsd-files Removed in version 0.8 CompileJava depends on xsd2java
deleteGeneratedSources Delete all generated sources Clean depends on deleteGeneratedSources


To use this plugin, you must

  • modify your buildscript to have dependencies to the plugin
  • apply the plugin
  • set the properties of the plugin
  • add the generated sources to your sourceset

Applying the plugin

    dependencies {
        classpath 'no.nils:wsdl2java:0.8'
apply plugin: 'no.nils.wsdl2java'

Options for wsdl2java

Option Default value Description
generatedWsdlDir generated-sources/src/main/java This is where you want the generated sources to be placed.
wsdlDir src/main/resources Define the wsdl files directory to support incremental build. This means that the task will be up-to-date if nothing in this directory has changed.
wsdlsToGenerate empty This is the main input to the plugin that defines the wsdls to process. It is a list of arguments where each argument is a list of arguments to process a wsdl-file. The Wsdl-file with full path is the last argument. The array can be supplied with the same options as described for the maven-cxf plugin(http://cxf.apache.org/docs/wsdl-to-java.html).
cxfVersion '+' (latest) The version of cxf you want to use.

Example setting of options:

wsdl2java {
    generatedWsdlDir = file("my-generated-sources")  // target directory for generated source coude
    wsdlDir = file("src/main/resources/myWsdlFiles") // define to support incremental build
    wsdlsToGenerate = [   //  2d-array of wsdls and cxf-parameters
    cxfVersion = "2.5.1"

Options for xsd2java

This will not work for version 0.8+!

Option Default value Description
generatedXsdDir "generatedsources/src/main/java" Destination directory for generated sources
xsdsToGenerate null 2-d array consisting of 2 or 3 values in each array: 1. xsd-file(input), 2. package for the generated sources, 3. (optional) a map containing additional options for the xjc task
encoding platform default encoding Set the encoding name for generated sources, such as EUC-JP or UTF-8.

Example setting of options:

    encoding = 'utf-8'
    xsdsToGenerate = [
        ["src/main/resources/xsd/CustomersAndOrders.xsd", 'no.nils.xsd2java.sample', [header: false] /* optional map */]
    generatedXsdDir = file("generatedsources/xsd2java")

Complete example usage

This is a an example of a working build.gradle for a java project. You can also take a look at this projects submodule "consumer" which has a working wsdl compiling.

    dependencies {
        classpath 'no.nils:wsdl2java:0.8'

apply plugin :'java'
apply plugin :'no.nils.wsdl2java'


    testCompile 'junit:junit:+'

    wsdlsToGenerate = [
    generatedWsdlDir = file("$projectDir/generatedsources")
    wsdlDir = file("$projectDir/src/main/resources/wsdl")
    cxfVersion = "3.0.1"
    xsdsToGenerate = [
        ["$projectDir/src/main/resources/xsd/CustomersAndOrders.xsd", 'no.nils.xsd2java.sample']
    generatedXsdDir = file("$projectDir/generatedsources/xsd2java")

A notice on multi-module projects

Instead of referring to absolute paths in your build-file, try using $projectDir as a prefix to your files and directories. As shown in the "Complete example usage".