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This project is a follow up of the old project django-common from Tivix. The project served as a base to this one but it doesn't mean that we'll keep things like it was before.

Django-actual consists of the following things:

  • A middleware that makes sure your web-app runs either on or without 'www' in the domain.
  • A SessionManagerBase base class, that helps in keeping your session related code object-oriented and clean! See session.py for usage details.
  • An EmailBackend for authenticating users based on their email, apart from username.
  • Some custom db fields that you can use in your models including a UniqueHashField and RandomHashField.
  • Bunch of helpful functions in helper.py
  • A render_form_field template tag that makes rendering form fields easy and DRY.
  • A dry response class: XMLResponse in the django_actual.http that can be used in views that give xml responses.


  • Install django_actual (ideally in your virtualenv!) using pip or simply getting a copy of the code and putting it in a directory in your codebase.

  • Add django_actual to your Django settings INSTALLED_APPS:

        INSTALLED_APPS = [
        # ...
  • Add the following to your settings.py with appropriate values:

    • IS_DEV
    • IS_PROD
    • WWW_ROOT
  • Add common_settings to your Django settings TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS:

            # ...
  • Add EmailBackend to the Django settings AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS:

  • Add WWWRedirectMiddleware if required to the list of middlewares:

            # ...

Scaffolding feature

  1. Installing

To get scaffold install it through pip with pip install django-actual-helpers and add django_actual to the INSTALLED_APPS.

Default is set to main app directory. However if you use django_base_project you must set up this to SCAFFOLD_APPS_DIR = 'apps/'.

  1. Run

To run scaffold type:

python manage.py scaffold APPNAME --model MODELNAME [fields]

APPNAME is app name. If app does not exists it will be created. MODELNAME is model name. Just enter model name that you want to create (for example: Blog, Topic, Post etc). It must be alphanumerical. Only one model per run is allowed!

[fields] - list of the model fields.

  1. Field types

Available fields:

char - CharField (default)
text - TextField
int - IntegerField
decimal -DecimalField
datetime - DateTimeField
foreign - ForeignKey
email - EmailField
bool - BooleanField

All fields requires name that is provided before : sign, for example:

title  body:text posts:int create_date:datetime

Two fields foreign and decimal requires additional parameters:

  • "foreign" as third argument takes foreignkey model, example:

    blog:foreign:Blog, post:foreign:Post, added_by:foreign:User

NOTICE: All foreign key models must already exist in project. User and Group model are imported automatically.

  • decimal field requires two more arguments max_digits and decimal_places, example:

  • char field also have a length parameter on the third position

  • all fields have a required as the last argument

    total_cost:deciman:10:2:True name:char:50:True

NOTICE: To all models scaffold automatically adds two fields: update_date and create_date.

  1. How it works?

Scaffold creates models, views (CRUD), forms, templates, admin, urls and basic tests (CRUD). Scaffold templates are using two blocks extending from base.html:

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block page-title %} {% endblock %}
{% block content %} {% endblock %}

So be sure you have your base.html set up properly.

Scaffolding example usage

Let's create simple forum app. We need Forum, Topic and Post model.

  • Forum model

Forum model needs just one field name:

python manage.py scaffold forum --model Forum name
  • Topic model

Topics are created by site users so we need: created_by, title and Forum foreign key (update_date and create_date are always added to models):

python manage.py scaffold forum --model Topic created_by:foreign:User title forum:foreign:Forum
  • Post model

Last one are Posts. Posts are related to Topics. Here we need: title, body, created_by and foreign key to Topic:

python manage.py scaffold forum --model Post title body:text created_by:foreign:User topic:foreign:Topic

All data should be in place!

Now you must add forum app to INSTALLED_APPS and include app in urls.py file by adding into urlpatterns:

urlpatterns = [
    path('forum', include('forum.urls')),

Now syncdb new app and you are ready to go:

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Run your server:

python manage.py runserver

And go to forum main page:


All structure are in place. Now you can personalize models, templates and urls.

At the end you can test new app by runing test:

python manage.py test forum

Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Ran 7 tests in 0.884s


Happy scaffolding!

Generation of SECRET_KEY

Sometimes you need to generate a new SECRET_KEY so now you can generate it using this command:

$ python manage.py generate_secret_key

Sample output:

$ python manage.py generate_secret_key

SECRET_KEY: 7,=_3t?n@'wV=p`ITIA6"CUgJReZf?s:`f~Jtl#2i=i^z%rCp-

Optional arguments

  1. --length - is the length of the key default=50
  2. --alphabet - is the alphabet to use to generate the key default=ascii letters + punctuation symbols

Django settings keys

  • DOMAIN_NAME - Domain name, "www.example.com"
  • WWW_ROOT - Root website url, "https://www.example.com/"
  • IS_DEV - Current environment is development environment
  • IS_PROD - Current environment is production environment

This open-source app is brought to you by Sipmann, Inc. ( http://sipmann.com/ )



  • Changed the minimum Django version to 3.X. Version 2 might work (but not tested)
  • Removed unused things
  • Add __str__ to generated models
  • Bootstrap layout to the templates