
An event management bot for Discord

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Landra was a member of the Guard and at one point the quartermaster for the Guard's equipment. As of the winter of 1152, following Rand's grim injuries, Landra was promoted by Gwendolyn to the rank of Captain of Lockhaven's Defenses: a job which required her to track the movements and the expected arrivals and departures of Guardmice on their various patrols. Being incredibly pragmatic and organised, she made a natural replacement for Rand.

Landra is a simple event management bot for Discord written in Discord.js.

Invite Landra to your server



  • Clean up EventsManager to include useful functions such as getOffsetTime(event) etc.
  • Add /announce command to post a small widget to announce a new event and allow users to sign up
  • Custom roles when members join events
  • Custom emojis for events