Improvements based on your Feedbacks:

  1. The project takes a Dockerfile and creates a Docker container in the pipeline. -Refer to the image Build Docker Image in Pipeline.jpg and Push Docker Image in Pipeline.jpg By running the ./kubernetes/deployment.yaml with the command "kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yaml" - added in "deploy to" file the container was created.

  2. A screenshot of the AWS console in the EKS section showing the cluster

  • See picture: Eks_cluster
  1. A screenshot of the AWS console in the CloudFormation section showing the stack for the cluster
  • See picture: CloudFormation_stack
  1. Please explain in detail how the rolling deployment works in kubernetes in your project and how did you implement it. You can create a list of the events that happened from the start to the end of a rolling deployment.
  • Refer to Deployment Details_Rolling Deployment Success.jpg for a list of events.
  • Rolling Deployment is implemented by these lines in deployment.yaml file:
    replicas: 3
        app: capstone
      type: RollingUpdate
        maxSurge: 0
        maxUnavailable: 1


  1. Create an Nginx “Hello World” static website application.

  2. builder docker container, which should serve a static website

  3. build Jenkins pipelines for linting html file, building docker image and uploading docker image to Dockerhub

  4. build kubenetes container on AWS with based on the image on dockerhub

  5. serve our website on AWS kubenetes with rolling deployment with deploy to