
Highlights and sets error markers for lines with compile errors

Primary LanguageVim Script


Highlights and sets error markers for lines with compile errors


Hooks the make quickfix command and converts all compiler errors into signs that are placed next to the line with the error. Additionally, lines with errors are highlighted. Hover with your mouse over such a line to get the error message in a tooltip (only gui), or press \cc. The error markers will be updated on every call to :make.


Doxygen in action with a lot of errors: doxygen screenshot


Use pathogen.vim.

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://github.com/mh21/errormarker.vim


To distinguish between warnings and errors for gcc messages, place sth. like this in your .vimrc:

let &errorformat="%f:%l:%c: %t%*[^:]:%m,%f:%l: %t%*[^:]:%m," . &errorformat

If you use a different locale than English, this may be also needed:

set makeprg=LANGUAGE=C\ make


A changelog can be found at the end of errormarker.txt.

Get the latest version, submit pull requests, and file bug reports on GitHub:

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