
Jai module for generating CTags

Jai module for generating Ctags

This module generates a ctags file for your project as part of normal compilation. This allows many editors to access definitions (functions, variables, structs, …) for quick navigation or lookup.


If you don’t yet control compilation via workspaces, you can simply call the included build_ctags(…) function from your main file:

#import "ctags";
#run build_ctags(#file);

Otherwise, i.e., if you’ve already set up a custom workspace for compilation, you have to init a CTags struct and call process_message(…) from your compiler message loop:

#import "ctags";

your_build_function :: () {
    w := compiler_create_workspace();
	// your compilation setup


	// add your build files

	// Set up ctags options
	ctags: CTags;
	ctags.base_path = get_working_directory();
	defer reset(*ctags);

	while true {
		message := compiler_wait_for_message();
		if !message continue;

		if message.workspace == w {
			// Forward message to ctags generator
			process_message(*ctags, message);

		if message.kind == .COMPLETE break;


See the CTags struct for available options.