Tokopedia Play Clone

Final project on generasih gigih 3.0. Imitate Tokopedia Play develop with MERN(Mongo Express React NodeJs) Stack.

Live preview : Tokopedia Play

note: please wait for booting the container for a while when accesing app first time

Feature List

  1. User can open, at least two page
    • Home
    • Video Detail Page
  2. User can see video list with thumbnail from YouTube in home page
  3. User can click each video and go to video detail page
  4. User can see list products, embed YouTube, list comment, and form submit comment
  5. User just need input name and comment when submit comment in form
  6. User can see their comment in list comment section after success submit comment

Additional Feature List

  1. Users can see their profile picture and username on the top right corner of the page
  2. Using websocket for push real time data for comment list
  3. Users can search the video depends by its category, description and seller
  4. Implement JWT Auth
  5. Users can change their profile picture (store the image on Amazon S3)


Use the package manager yarn to install Tokopedia Clone.


to run you can exec this command

yarn dev