
Notes on Functional Programming and related topics

Primary LanguageHaskellCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

Notes on Functional Programming and related topics

CC BY-SA 4.0

There is a lot of literature on Functional Programming (FP). This repository aims to catalogue papers, books, blog posts and notes on the myriad of topics out there, hopefully in some coherent fashion.


  • Notes on reasoning about programs, eventually to be formalized in a proof assistant
  • Commentary on papers and books
  • Organization of content by topics
  • Selected solutions to exercises


We aim to document and describe ideas that are timeless in nature, so the following will not be discussed as much. Appropriate references to dedicated resources can be given instead.

  • Features/language extensions pertaining to a functional language
  • Specific library implementations

Guides on examples

We aim to use languages (code and prose) that are suitable and natural to the topic being described. For instance;

  • When presenting concepts using dependent types, prefer the use of dependently-typed languages over Haskell with language extensions.
  • When formalizing proofs, prefer Coq for initial formalization, rewrite in Agda for more readable proofs, if needed.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.