• create a simple html form without using external components
  • commit each time you have a passing test


Introduction to Test Driven Development with React - YouTube


CodingWith-Adam/tdd-with-react: TDD with react https://github.com/CodingWith-Adam/tdd-with-react

  • very good video - took a simple counter function and used tests to build it without ever launching the UI till the very end
  • A very good reference video to pass it to other React dev to show how TDD looks like.
  • I liked that he uses a wireframe and clear instructions for the features expected.

React TDD in 30 Minute - Test Driven Development with Jest and Enzyme - YouTube


  • excellent video - a very different way of approaching the same counter
  • uses enzyme, which looks a bit different and seems more friendly than testing-library. Not sure why testing-library is considered better
  • towards the end, he does 2 refactoring to show that the tests protects us #Wonderful - for this piece alone, this video is worth watching

React Testing Library Tutorial


How To Test a React App with Jest and React Testing Library | DigitalOcean https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-test-a-react-app-with-jest-and-react-testing-library

(1) React Testing Crash Course - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVNjsIto9xM&ab_channel=TraversyMedia