
This project aims to evaluate Python code design skills and overall technical knowledge for containerized cloud-native application development, deployment and management.

How to start the project

This project can be deployed locally in three different ways, choose one that is acceptable and meets your demands.


Build docker image

eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker build -t gunicorn:latest .

Deploy using helm

helm upgrade --install --create-namespace -n example-api -f helm-charts/values-staging.yaml example-api helm-charts/

Expose service for testing using Minikube

minikube service --url -n example-api gunicorn


Setup environment variables

cp .env.dist .env

Build Docker image

docker build -t gunicorn:latest .

Start application with Gunicorn

docker run -i -p8000:8000 --env-file .env gunicorn:latest

Start application with development server

docker run -i -p5000:5000 --env-file .env --entrypoint python gunicorn:latest run.py


Create virtual environment and activate it

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Start the development server

python3 run.py

Tasks and questions


Start by going through the project and answer these questions:

  • What Python framework does this project use?
  • What endpoints does this application currently have?
  • Why are there two requirement files?
  • How code style and testing is enforced in this project?
  • Looking at the provided Dockerfile answer these questions:
    • Why is app user used instead of the default one?
    • How can we reduce the final image size?
  • What steps are described in .gitlab-ci.yml?
  • Describe the deployment process of this project:
    • In what environment this application is meant to run?
    • What tool is used to help and assist the deployment process?
  • This README defines tree distinct ways to deploy this example application for local development:
    • How are they different?
    • Which one would you choose if you wanted to:
      • Add extra code?
      • Test application deployment?


  • Every secure application must have authentication:
    • What authentication methods can be used?
    • What other Python web framework would make it a lot easier to integrate ACL?
    • Integrate REST API authentication tokens
  • Now you have a working authentication, test it using unit tests:
    • What Python unit testing frameworks are available and are commonly used?
    • Write a simple unit test that ensures authentication functionality
  • Application which are exposed to the internet suffer various attacks that can reduce QoS:
    • Integrate rate limiting
    • What rate limiting backends can be used and what are the benefits?

Additional task

  • Add an endpoint that returns weather forecast from https://www.weatherapi.com/
    • The endpoint should be able to return a weather forecast for a given city and country
    • API key will be provided