--------------- zmqpbexample This is just a small example of using Protocol Buffers with ZeroMQ in C++. I'm using another queue-based system with Protocol Buffers and wanted to play around with ZeroMQ as an alternative without rewriting everything right away, and figured this example might be useful to someone else as well. This example produces a small library for a server class, and a binary that runs the server and acts as a client, so it is completely self contained, i.e. running the zmqpbexample is all you need to do to see it in action. Obviously, the code itself is more interesting than running it, but this setup makes it easier to test. Dependencies: * ZeroMQ - http://www.zeromq.org/ * Protocol Buffers - http://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/ Build: bash$ ./configure bash$ make Run: bash$ ./src/zmqpbexample