
Bulk Stash is a docker rclone service to sync, or copy, files between different storage services. For example, you can copy files either to or from a remote storage services like Amazon S3 to Google Cloud Storage, or locally from your laptop to a remote storage.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

How to run

TL;DR (summary)

To run this container do:

$ docker run crc python3 wrapper.py --settings 'settings_string' rclone <rclone_command> SOURCE:/path/to/[file] [DESTINATION:/path/to/]

settings_string: is a JSON encoded python dictionary that creates the rclone source/destination configuration.

All rclone options are supported.

Full description

To run this container, Run this container with the following command:

Input should be a JSON string like the example below. The keys of the dictionary vary with "type" and can be used either in source or destination

  • Any parameter can be fetched from SSM PARAMETER STORE, by specifying the value in the dictionary like ssm://hierarchical.path.to.value


    "source": {
    "destination": {

Tip: a python dictionary can be encoded as a JSON string doing:

import json
json_str = json.dumps(python_dictionary)

The docker container may be ran as:

$ docker run crc python3 wrapper.py --settings '{"source": {"TYPE": "sftp", "HOST": "annalectftp.annalect.com", "USER": "annalect_admin", "PORT": "22", "PASS": "1_TDlwcU4bLs0nQfMLZRQMH5y1_vFllo"}, "destination": {"TYPE": "s3", "ACCESS_KEY_ID": "AKIAJ6FYEG56CL3RNQIA", "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": "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", "SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION": "AES256", "STORAGE_CLASS": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY"}}' rclone ls DESTINATION:/annalect-adt/