Cognitive Ionic App with

It is a mobile application, which recognizes your face registered with your data (Name, Username, Email). To verify if it is the same person, it check face id and then shows the private data

Used Technologies

Config & Start

  1. Clone the repository and enter the repository of the repository.

  2. Install the dependencies:      - `npm install -g ionic @ latest`      - `npm install`

  3. In the path `CognitiveIonic / src / app /` create the file app.config.ts and add the settings of [firebase] ( and [Microsoft apiKey ] ( (sample app.config.sample.js):

export const config = {
  firebaseConfig: {
    apiKey: "apiKey-firebase",
    authDomain: "authDomain-firebase",
    databaseURL: "databaseURL-firebase",
    projectId: "projectId-firebase",
    storageBucket: "storageBucket-firebase",
    messagingSenderId: "messagingSenderId-firebase"
  apiKeyMicrosoft: 'apiKeyMicrosoft'