
Trails to help designers and developers learn various topics.

Trail map

How do I learn Ruby on Rails? Vim? Test-Driven Development?

Our apprentice program has forced us to formalize our answers to such questions.

A few problems make those questions difficult to answer. Individuals:

  • have different levels of experience
  • have different learning styles
  • change their goals mid-process

A good metaphor for the learning process is a (hiking, biking, or skiing) trail map. Individuals:

  • start in different places
  • want to go to different places
  • change direction mid-journey

Trail map

This repository contains trails to help designers and developers learn.

To use these, you may want to first set up your laptop with this script and these dotfiles.


Please see the Contribution Guidelines.



Trail Map works alongside Upcase by thoughtbot The names and logos for thoughtbot are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc.

Thank you, contributors!


Trail Map is © 2012 thoughtbot, inc. It is free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the Creative Commons Attribution License.