
Docker suite used to collect data from loxone into grafana

Primary LanguageGroovy

read upgrade.txt because there are some compatibility breakouts


0. create dedicated user in loxone, assign permissions. Check in loxone web interface that new user see all controls you want to store into influx/grafana.
1. edit node-lox-mqtt-gateway/config.json and set loxone address, username and password in "miniserver" section
2. execute ./rebuild.sh
3. if ok, execute ./run.sh. If everything works fine, you should see some messages from loxone in loxone2influx image (Stored ..., Skipped ...)
4. stop by CTRL+C then start by ./start.sh
5. go to http://localhost:3000, admin:admin, configure new influxdb datasource as:
    name:influx, default:yes, type:InfluxDB, url:http://influxdb:8086, access:proxy, no authentication, database:loxone, no user password, save and test (must be green)
6. grafana is ready, go ahead and create some graphs