upgrade: read upgrade.txt because there are some compatibility breakouts quickstart: 0. create dedicated user in loxone, assign permissions. Check in loxone web interface that new user see all controls you want to store into influx/grafana. 1. edit node-lox-mqtt-gateway/config.json and set loxone address, username and password in "miniserver" section 2. execute ./rebuild.sh 3. if ok, execute ./run.sh. If everything works fine, you should see some messages from loxone in loxone2influx image (Stored ..., Skipped ...) 4. stop by CTRL+C then start by ./start.sh 5. go to http://localhost:3000, admin:admin, configure new influxdb datasource as: name:influx, default:yes, type:InfluxDB, url:http://influxdb:8086, access:proxy, no authentication, database:loxone, no user password, save and test (must be green) 6. grafana is ready, go ahead and create some graphs